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The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

Baseball hits it out of the ballpark to CCS

Jonathan Ye, Writer May 24, 2018

Holding navy blue helmets, the varsity baseball team runs onto the baseball field as players cheer and jump on top of each other. The team had an overall record of 18 wins and nine losses and a league...

Vaping: an alternate take on cigarettes

Vaping: an alternate take on cigarettes

Risa Mori and Patricia Wei April 26, 2018

Growing up, senior Miles Wong* often felt alone. His best friend passed away in front of him when he was nine years old. That same day, his mom was diagnosed with cancer, and his parents spent much of...

Inside the classification of gaming disorder

Inside the classification of gaming disorder

Noela Bae and Arul Gnanasivam April 26, 2018

After contentious debate over whether or not excessive gaming should be deemed a mental illness, the World Health Organization (WHO) has decided to include “gaming disorder” in its International Classification...

Robotics finishes a rewarding season

Robotics finishes a rewarding season

Jonathan Ye, Writer April 26, 2018

Tick. Thirty seconds left. Hands slippery with sweat, the Lynbrook robotics team drivers carefully maneuver their robot to achieve one final feat in the competition: throw the last light blue cube into...

Editorial: Encourage solidarity by accepting student-led movements

Editorial: Encourage solidarity by accepting student-led movements

April 26, 2018

Streets and quads across America on March 14 were filled with students and teachers standing together as a tribute to the seventeen lives lost in the recent Parkland shooting and making a call for improved...

Sinclair stations democracy

Sinclair stations democracy

Tzen-Hao Ng, Writer April 26, 2018

Sinclair Broadcast Group, the largest U.S. telecommunications company, has recently come under fire for demonstrating its lack of regard for the journalistic process. Specifically, it has been revealed...

Changing the face of Western masculinity

Changing the face of Western masculinity

Michyla Lin and Divya Nelakonda April 26, 2018

It is 10 p.m. on a Friday night. A boy shrugs off his backpack, exhausted after a long session at the gym with his friends, during which they competed to see who could bench the most weight. Slipping off...

Swim season ends with a splash

Swim season ends with a splash

Jessica Li, Content Editor April 26, 2018

Pushing onward stroke by stroke, kick by kick, through the clear blue water, Lynbrook swimming and diving is right on the heels of celebrating a victorious season. Though the team has yet to compete in...

CHS threats spark unease

CHS threats spark unease

Diana Xu, Managing Editor April 26, 2018

It was halfway through lunch on March 27 when my heart lurched and I immediately felt like throwing up. I could not fathom what my friend had just told me: there was a shooter on Cupertino High School’s...

Famous Dex releases debut album

Famous Dex releases debut album

Hsinyen Huang and Meera Balaji April 26, 2018

Chicago rapper Famous Dex,  also known simply as Dex, released his highly anticipated debut album “Dex Meets Dexter” on April 6. The release came after the rapper achieved mainstream recognition...

Maxwell Wang flies to new heights with drones

Maxwell Wang flies to new heights with drones

Justine Chen, Editor-in-Chief April 26, 2018

Junior Maxwell Wang’s hands move quickly over the buttons of his controller, checking the drone’s battery level and connection signal. The drone’s propellers quickly pick up speed, levitating it...

Unathletic n' unafraid

Unathletic n’ unafraid

Ashley Song, Design Editor April 26, 2018

It is safe to say that anyone who even remotely knows me is aware that I am no athlete. Despite my lifelong wishes to be fast, strong or agile, I have never acquired any of these qualities during my fifteen...