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The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

Senior Bryan Chiang places third at ISEF competition

William Guo, Managing Editor May 24, 2018

Out of more than 1,700 students, senior Bryan Chiang won the third place award of $1000, as well as the award of $750 for best in his category, Computational Biology, at the International Science and Engineering...

Orthorexia: When Healthy Eating Becomes Toxic

Orthorexia: When Healthy Eating Becomes Toxic

Divya Nelakonda and Nicole Ong May 24, 2018

In a media culture where various diet trends and exercise regimens are easily accessible, orthorexia, defined as an obsession with proper or “healthy” eating, has become increasingly prevalent and...

DNA genetic testing poses privacy concerns

DNA genetic testing poses privacy concerns

Meera Balaji and Eshani Mehta May 24, 2018

After more than 40 years of arduous investigations, the notorious Golden State Killer — a serial killer, rapist and burglar who terrorized California in the 1970s and 1980s — was finally caught in...

Trendy and Broke: Thrift Store Challenge

Divya: Model: Shriya Reddy: Casual, Trendy, Comfortable Jacket: $9.15 Dress: $8.75 I was the first to arrive at Goodwill, so I had a look around the store. Hoping to spot some items to snatch...

The consequences of celebrities voicing their political stances

Tzen-Hao Ng, Writer May 24, 2018

In especially egregious cases, it may be difficult to separate artists from their creative work. In recent news, high-profile actors such as Bill Cosby and Kevin Spacey have been accused of sexual assault,...

How to avoid becoming a finals zombie

How to avoid becoming a finals zombie

Medha Upadhyay, Features Editor May 24, 2018

Around this time of year, you can surely feel the impending apocalypse of second-semester finals. Studying for stressful exams can leave you feeling exhausted, and being tired can make you feel grumpy,...

Notes of Love concert builds houses

Eric Wu, News Editor May 24, 2018

A sweet melody floats off the stage as the violinist draws his bow across the strings, reverberating through the auditorium. The lively program comes to an end with a flourish of the bow, and thunderous...

Sending my sister off to college

Diana Xu, Managing Editor May 24, 2018

Ever since my sister committed to the University of California, Berkeley, I realized that I would soon become the new target of my parents’ expectations. This didn’t excite me at all. I knew I wouldn’t...

STEM Day unites students with common interests

Risa Mori, In-Depth Editor May 24, 2018

A collaborative effort of all STEM-related clubs on campus, Lynbrook STEM Day was primarily organized by Science Club with the objective of unifying students with STEM interests. Held on Monday, May 21,...

Comedians cause an uproar at the White House

Sadhana Sarma, Design Editor May 24, 2018

“Like a porn star says when she’s about to have sex with a Trump, let’s get this over with”; this is how excited comedian Michelle Wolf was for her performance at the 2018 White House Correspondents’...

Advice for high school students

Advice for high school students

Michyla Lin, Design Editor May 24, 2018

My favorite aspect of the end of the school year aside from summer break is the opportunity to hit the reset button and think of ways in which I want to improve myself. At the beginning of this school...

Editorial: The pros and cons of decorating grad caps

May 24, 2018

After four years of hard work and perseverance, seniors rejoice in their final shining moment of high school: graduation day. Weeks before the graduation ceremony, seniors carefully pick out their stoles,...