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The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

Future freshman officer elections modified

Future freshman officer elections modified

Nicole Ong, Editors-in-Chief April 26, 2018

Beginning in the 2018-2019 school year, freshman class officer elections will be held in August rather than at the end of the eighth-grade school year at Miller Middle School. Instead of being voted as...

Groupon to blame for racial slur in ad

Aileen Xue, Editors-in-Chief April 26, 2018

As of late, there have been numerous incidents involving racist references in ads featured by major companies, one of the most recent concerning e-commerce website Groupon, which is known for providing...

Boys golf team in the green

Boys golf team in the green

Hatim Saifee, Web Editor April 26, 2018

His putter gently touches the ball and sets it in motion. His eyes light up with hope and confidence as the ball rolls toward the hole and slides in, translating into yet another victory for the Boys’...

Looking back at two athletes' journeys

Looking back at two athletes’ journeys

Kelsey Lu, Business/PR Manager April 26, 2018

As the bell rings, students can be seen running toward the gate, heading home after a tiresome day of watching history documentaries or performing chemistry labs. Other students, however, deviate from...

Music department and colorguard tour Spain

Music department and colorguard tour Spain

Michelle Lum, Editor in Chief April 26, 2018

Music rings out in a hall of stained glass and large paintings, an almost heavenly atmosphere. This is a venue like no other: it is the concert hall of the University of Barcelona. Performing on the international...

Drivers in autonomous vehicles must be alert

Drivers in autonomous vehicles must be alert

Hsinyen Huang, Managing Editor April 26, 2018

The proliferation of self-driving cars has always been a dream commonly associated with the future. Thanks to advancements in artificial intelligence and sensor technology, the dream can now be realized...

College is confidential

College is confidential

Michyla Lin, Design Editor April 26, 2018

On April 1st, I sat at my dining table locked in a staring contest with a Google spreadsheet highlighted in red, yellow and green. I was losing. This spreadsheet was the source of my anxiety over the past...

Students display work at ArtNow

Students display work at ArtNow

Michelle Zemlyak, Writer April 26, 2018

Held at New Museum Los Gatos, the 2018 ArtNow Exhibition is a competition that offers high schoolers from the Bay Area a chance to submit art pieces into eight categories all under the theme “Perspectives.”...

This Is Me:

This Is Me:

Religion, upbringing, our interests and the people around us. There is a diverse range of factors that make up our identity, or who we are. As we grow and mature, from our childhood to teenage years to...

Public Arts beautifies community

Public Arts beautifies community

Srinidhi Seshadri, Web Editor March 29, 2018

A group of students crowd around the blank wall on the side of the children’s museum. Two students  discuss the design, their hands moving enthusiastically as they describe their vision for the...