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The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic


Michelle Lum, Editor in Chief November 9, 2018

At surface level, SB 826 seems to be a step forward for women struggling to reach top leadership positions in companies. There are cracks, however, in this apparently progressive stride for workplace diversity. Although...

Emojis fill a gap in today’s remote communication

Emojis fill a gap in today’s remote communication

Chloe Lee and Christy Yu November 9, 2018

Five billion emojis are sent through Facebook Messenger in just one day. Nearly half of the comments on Instagram posts are captioned with emojis. With a total of almost 3,000 types of emojis out on the...

Students face unsafe traffic conditions daily

Kavya Iyer, Content Editor November 9, 2018

On their way to school, students may worry about the history test they have first period or the presentation they have in literature. Some, unfortunately, worry about getting injured and not making it...

Challenging gender roles

Challenging gender roles

Alisha Naidu, Writer November 9, 2018

Frustration filled my head as I heard the question: “So your mom works, and your dad… stays at home?” For what felt like the hundredth time, I replied with an exasperated “yes.” No one seemed...

Raw, real and unromanticized

Raw, real and unromanticized

Belinda Zhou and Diana Xu November 9, 2018

Calista Kerba was in the second grade when she was given 10 minutes to make a decision that would alter the course of her life forever: choose to live with her mother or her father. “All I remember...

Students compete for virtual victory in fantasy football

Students compete for virtual victory in fantasy football

Jonathan Ye, Writer November 9, 2018

New York Giants receiver Odell Beckham Jr. catches a 76-yard touchdown against the San Francisco 49ers. “Yes, that’s 13.6 points for my Fantasy team!” Senior Tatsumi Eng, a lifelong 49ers fan, cheers...

New legislation promotes female inclusion

New legislation promotes female inclusion

November 9, 2018

Women have traditionally been underrepresented in leadership roles in business, but a new California law aims to change that. On Sept. 30, Governor Jerry Brown signed Senate Bill 826 (SB 826), which requires...

Marching band and colorguard keep up the pace

Marching band and colorguard keep up the pace

Melissa Chen, Writer November 9, 2018

Marching to a 120 beats-per-minute tempo with measured steps, precise technique and a 35-pound instrument is no simple task. For students in the Lynbrook marching band, however, these are tasks they are...

Exchange students from Bhubaneswar, India take a photo at their farewell party, held at Cupertino City Hall.

India exchange bridges cultural gap

Enzo Cabaltica, Design Editor November 9, 2018

Visiting a new  country often fosters an appreciation for other cultures, with new experiences and friends. On Oct. 17, 13 students from SAI International School in Bhubaneswar, India, visited Lynbrook...

VE: A click away from traditional business

VE: A click away from traditional business

Claire Chiu, Writer November 9, 2018

While a basic education curriculum consists of the liberal arts, mathematics and sciences, learning business provides a break from normal academic subjects at school but still applies the same concepts....

The reality of mental health for the model minority

The reality of mental health for the model minority

Nicole Ong and Divya Nelakonda October 6, 2018

With more than 50 distinct individual races and ethnicities and more than 30 languages spoken, the Asian-American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community is the fastest-growing and most diverse racial and...

Recent straw bans prove ineffective

Recent straw bans prove ineffective

Melissa Chen, Writer October 5, 2018

It seems that #Stopsucking may actually suck, quite a bit. This movement denouncing plastic straws has been met with unprecedented support and approval, prompting government action to eliminate straws....