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The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

Students sweat off stress at new weight room

Students sweat off stress at new weight room

Kelsey Lu, Business/PR Manager November 9, 2018

While the many changes on campus require patience and flexibility, one change is already being used and enjoyed: the new weight room. Read on about the experiences of two students who go to the weight...

GIRLS CHOIR | Girls choir dances to "I'm in Love with a Monster," a song many recognize from Hotel Transylvania 2.

Fright Night: An evening of Halloween fun

Elena Williams, Editor-in-Chief November 9, 2018

The lights dim. Flying bats, black cauldrons and sinister mummies frame the darkening stage. The back of the auditorium is awash with an eerie red glow, the color shifting as the performers take their...

Trisha Sengupta's battle against lymphoma

Trisha Sengupta’s battle against lymphoma

Belinda Zhou, Opinion Editor November 9, 2018

She was thirteen when she first saw her life expectancy as a percentage on an illuminated screen: 85 percent chance of survival after five years. She felt caged. Numb. Suffocated. It hit her then: she...

The hunt for affordable housing for Bay Area teachers

The hunt for affordable housing for Bay Area teachers

Risa Mori, In-Depth Editor November 9, 2018

Amid protests, the San Jose Unified School District (SJUSD) unveiled its proposal to build affordable housing for teachers and other employees at its Sept. 27 board meeting. While some community members...

Love one team, respect all

Love one team, respect all

Anusha Kothari, Editor-in-Chief November 9, 2018

I walked into SAP Center, anticipating the sea of blue and gold I had seen the last time I watched a Golden State Warriors game in person. Instead, I saw fans decked in blue, gold, black and purple. Despite...

Editorial: Preventative measures to eliminate hazards

Editorial: Preventative measures to eliminate hazards

November 9, 2018

Every morning, parents and students rush in cars, on bikes or on foot to get to class on time. Amid the rush, the chance of an accident or collision is increasingly likely, putting pedestrians and bikers...

Lynbrook debaters make history with gold bid win

Lynbrook debaters make history with gold bid win

Divya Nelakonda, News Editor November 9, 2018

Ask any debater, and the ultimate goal for his or her debate career would be to compete in the the most prestigious competition for high school debaters: the Tournament of Champions (TOC), an annual tournament...

PE Inclusive fosters bonds with special needs students

PE Inclusive fosters bonds with special needs students

Aileen Xue, Editors-in-Chief November 9, 2018

Inspired by her daughter with special needs, Athletic Director Jennifer Griffin decided to teach the special needs physical education class beginning in the 2016-2017 school year. After discussions with...

Graphic by Opinion Section.

Kavanaugh case reveals flawed past

Medha Upadhyay, Features Editor November 9, 2018

When Brett Kavanaugh was nominated for the Supreme Court in July 2018, media attention was relatively minimal. This changed, however, when Senator Dianne Feinstein revealed that she had received a letter...

Sports in Seconds

November 9, 2018

      Freshman Jack Collins “I initially joined football to get in shape, but I ended up enjoying the sport because it is a fun and healthy way for me to spend my time.”                     Sophomore...

China's oppression of Uighurs

China’s oppression of Uighurs

Jessica Li, Content Editor November 9, 2018

As the words “China holds one million Uighur Muslims in concentration camps” flashed before my eyes on the screen, to say I was shocked would be an understatement. At first glance, I thought it was...

RateMyTeacher: the hate behind the rate

RateMyTeacher: the hate behind the rate

Pranav Mishra, Writer November 9, 2018

When a student sees a two-star review next to her new biology teacher’s name on the website RateMyTeachers, images of a dull classroom and poor grades start to form in her mind. What those two-star reviews...