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The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

A political cartoon depicting the shortcomings of philanthropy and its implications on society.

Philanthropy won’t save us. Here’s why.

Myles Kim and Calvin Zhou February 6, 2023

Every year, countless stories praise one billionaire or another’s selflessness and altruism for their donations to charity. Yet each year, more bad actors use philanthropy more as a public relations...

Staffers Samiya Anwar and Ashley Huang share their opinions on the free speech debate.

Expressed or repressed speech?

Ashley Huang and Samiya Anwar December 12, 2022

The First Amendment of the United States Constitution protects freedom of speech from government interference. Yet as American politics becomes increasingly polarized, both right and left-wing parties...

FUHSD students attend middle college, taking classes at a local community college.

Editorial: Overlooked alternative education systems at FUHSD

Epic Staff December 12, 2022

In addition to the traditional four-year approach, Lynbrook offers students various alternative educational opportunities like Middle College, College Now and Customized Learning Programs that benefit...

From landing the first man on the moon to searching for life on other planets, space exploration has always been a symbol of America’s international economic and scientific dominance.

Space tourism lifts off, leaving Earth behind

Neha Ayyer, In-Depth Editor December 12, 2022

From landing the first man on the moon to searching for life on other planets, space exploration has always been a symbol of America’s international economic and scientific dominance. Although space...

An example of 'race-swapping' in the new live-action remake of Ariel starring the African American actor Halle Bailey as Ariel, compared to the original debut Disney film, which portrayed Ariel as caucasian.

Race swapping is more than a marketing strategy

Eileen Zhu, Design Editor December 12, 2022

Some modern interpretations of pre-existing movie franchises switch ethnicities of characters, sparking debate about how justified race swapping is, an increasingly common trend in Hollywood. Although...

Drumming my troubles away

Drumming my troubles away

Timothy Kim, Copy Editor December 12, 2022

Coming home after a long day, I collapse on my bed, thinking of what to do to let off steam. It doesn't take long before I head over to my garage. With the flick of a switch, a stark light illuminates...

Christmas macaroni and trees

Christmas macaroni and trees

Tanika Anbu, Staffer December 12, 2022

Contrary to the traditional glittering red and white ornaments and popcorn-cranberry garlands, my family’s Christmas tree looks like a five-year-old’s art project, adorned with macaroni-bordered pictures,...

Free speech…

Ashley Huang, Editor in Chief December 12, 2022

“Congress shall make no law… abridging the freedom of speech… or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” The First Amendment,...

At what cost?

Samiya Anwar, Staffer December 12, 2022

Freedom of speech is a cornerstone of American democracy. However, limitations in the case of harmful speech are vital to ensure safety. The marketplace of ideas, often touted as a core argument for defending...

A map of all pre-contact tribal territorial lands in California.

The importance of land acknowledgement for Lynbrook

Daeun Chung, Web Editor November 7, 2022

Many Bay Area residents are ignorant about what Indigenous tribes lived on their lands before them and difficulties they have faced until now. One such tribe Lynbrook should acknowledge is the Ohlone tribe...

Elizabeth Cheng poses with crayons, showing her love for art.

My art and me

Elizabeth Cheng, Editor-in-Chief November 7, 2022

In the middle of the summer before my senior year, I laid in bed, the same moving frames playing over and over again in my mind. I saw myself running, panting, falling. Flat on the ground, completely expressionless. ...

A spin on the traditional Uncle Sam Army recruitment poster, the vikings mascot encourages students to participate in homecoming.

Editorial: Creating a more supportive Homecoming environment

Epic Staff November 7, 2022

From skits and dances to backdrops and planter decorations, class officers, Homecoming leaders and participants spend months preparing for Lynbrook’s most extravagant event of the year. However, lack...