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The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The modeling industry's favoritism towards a certain body type is depicted through a wall with a silhouette of the ideal body type that models must get through in order to be casted.

Picture-perfect models on poisoned runways

Alyssa Wang, Editor in Chief March 10, 2023

A light shines on the runway and the audience grows silent, holding their breaths in anticipation of the impending show. Out walks a striking model with chiseled cheekbones, long legs and a skinny waist....

Turning to turf and drought friendly plants will help alleviate the drought in California and help residents save water. Natural grass lawns are some of the most water-inefficient landscaping features that is common place in American suburbia, as depicted on the right side of the path.

Dropping natural lawns for a drought-tolerant future

Meera Nambiar, Web Editor March 10, 2023

Despite a winter of heavy rain and atmospheric rivers, it will take more than one good year to stop California’s drought problem and replenish water sources. Residents must reduce their water use across...

Theater masks, painting materials and a trumpet are symbols of creative art electives offered at Lynbrook that have been affected by declining enrollment.

Editorial: Supporting school elective programs

Epic Staff March 10, 2023

While Lynbrook hosts many opportunities for students to build and showcase talents in creative elective courses, many engage in outside organizations rather than their in-school counterparts. Although...

The climb towards racial equality is overshadowed by inter-minority racism and infighting.

Minorities … can be racist too?

Myles Kim and Timothy Kim March 10, 2023

The evening news crackles in the background as a family eats their dinner. Is it another mass shooting? A brutal police killing of a minority? An uncomfortable conversation ensues; the father, a first...

Emily fills her journals with snippets of dinner table conversations, with hopes they'll later spark joy.

Writing bridges

Emily Pedroza, Copy Editor March 10, 2023

After school, I would lean my head against our dinner table — our house too empty, too quiet. With my father gone for business trips and my mother busy writing countless documents for work, their absence...

Sophie grew up with her siblings who are only a couple years apart from each other, making it hard to say goodbye as siblings leave for college.

Appreciate your time with your siblings

Sophie Au, Design Editor March 10, 2023

9:00 a.m. Everyone eats breakfast in front of a zoom screen.  9:30 a.m. I stick my head into my brother’s APUSH zoom room. 10:00 a.m. I watch my siblings giggle in front of a blue screen, wondering...

An exhausted service worker awkwardly awaits as a customer is deciding how much to tip — or if to tip at all.

Tipping culture has reached its tipping point

Sam Sarma, News Editor March 10, 2023

“One latte. That’ll be $5.45,” the cashier says. She turns the register screen around to face you, and so the internal monologue begins. The numbers stare you down, 10%? 15%? 20%? How much is appropriate?...

Poplar Beach

Poplar Beach

Shri Balaji March 10, 2023

I’m Shri. I use a communication device to write. My love for the beach is what I’m writing. We went to Polar beach in Summer. I have not gone to the beach in a long time. My mom chose this beach so...

 A studio executive adding another uncessary spinoff to pile of previous sequels, spinoffs and remakes, while neglecting to fund newer, more creative film efforts.

The pitfalls of sequels and spinoffs

Inaaya Yousuf, Social Media Manager February 6, 2023

“What happens next?” is often the question lingering in viewers’ minds at the end of a movie. While best answered by viewers’ imagination, studios take it upon themselves to do it, often corrupting...

A game of monopoly that is rigged to favor the wealthy permanently reflecting the systems that characterize everyday life.

Money can buy everything

Amishi Chandra, Staffer February 6, 2023

The popular saying money can’t buy everything isn’t always true. Wealthy individuals have found a loophole in the rule, gaining advantages such as nepotism in employment and legacies in college admissions....

ChatGPT is an AI chatbot capable of generating humanlike text, working computer code and more in a wide range of styles and lengths.

Editorial: A controversial chat on ChatGPT

Epic Staff February 6, 2023

As the popularity of artificial intelligence chatbots has risen, so too have concerns surrounding the ethics and risks of AI’s presence in educational environments. Created by OpenAI, an artificial intelligence...

My time at the hospital taught me to trust myself and enjoy the journey, no matter where I’m headed.

Healing from within: volunteering at the hospital

Catherine Zhou, Design Editor February 6, 2023

I pause at the hallway intersection, hands tightly gripping the wheelchair handlebars, eyes darting between two corridors. I rack my brain, trying to recall the routes I had  spent weeks memorizing. Is...