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The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic


Diana Kohr, Web Editor October 2, 2019

Following the tragedy at Stoneman Douglas High School, thousands of students joined together to protest gun violence. Protests like these are a key feature of our democracy, granting a political voice...


Dhriti Iyer, News Editor October 2, 2019

As schools continue to incorporate current events into their curriculum in an attempt to keep students informed about events going on in their community, it is important to take a step back and consider...

For early finals

Hsin Yen Huang May 31, 2019

While early finals do subtract from the valuable time that students have to study, they make up for it by decreasing student stress and opening up the end of the school year for exploration beyond the...

For late finals

Jonathan Ye, Writer May 31, 2019

It is much more advantageous to take finals after AP exams since it allows a greater amount of time to prepare for the class’s final exams and ultimately benefits a student's GPA. For college decisions,...

Senior Bequeathals 2019

Senior Bequeathals 2019

May 31, 2019

A I, Aayush Shah, bequeath dance facials to Jash, the ability to dance at the worst times to Eric and Andy, driveteam pride to Kunal, new hoodies to Shai, country singing to Elise and Aaron, and my senior...

Rebellion, curiosity, socializing: why Lynbrook students party

Katie Chen and Risa Mori March 29, 2019

The pervasive scent of alcohol, the acrid burning of cigarette smoke and the din of vocals swirl in the back of a freshman’s mind as he struggles to remember how he got here — ding! Again he pictures...

Responsibly partying in high school: who takes the blame for the game?

March 29, 2019

Screeching brakes cut through the quiet of the night. The ambulance, flashing red and blue with blaring sirens heard from blocks away, tears through the neighborhood. The street is otherwise dark and empty...

Age is just a number?

Age is just a number?

Noela Bae, Content Editor March 29, 2019

When I turned 18 a few months ago, I felt that I was finally entering the real world — one of autonomy and responsibility. I would no longer be able to blame my naivety for my slip ups, but this problem...

Epic staff members attempt ASMR

Risa Mori, Kelsey Lu, Pranav Mishra and Diana Xu February 2, 2019

One of the trends that took 2018 by storm was Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR) - videos that help people relax through tingling sensations. Watch Epic staff members Risa Mori, Kelsey Lu, Pranav...

Kevin Hart must recognize the harm in his tweets

Hsin Yen Huang February 1, 2019

Kevin Hart stepped down from hosting the 2019 Oscars after facing backlash for his past homophobic tweets. Brother Nature, an internet personality, apologized in late 2018 after Twitter users exposed the...


Sunny Li, Design Editor November 9, 2018

SB 826 addresses a pressing issue: the lack of women on company boards. It is both necessary and effective in promoting diversity in companies, as well as a step toward the larger goal of female representation. Studies...

Local art museums preserve unique experiences

Audrey Wong, Managing Editor November 9, 2018

Explore the different art museums around San Jose that feature unique styles of art. Each museum has defining exhibits that connect the art pieces with the community. The four museums that one can visit...