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The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

Team 2: Sadhana, Ashley, Diana

May 18, 2018

Sadhana I did not know what to expect when starting the Ugly Location Challenge. After watching numerous YouTube videos of professional photographers taking on the challenge, it seemed easy,...

Team 1: Chloe, Kelsey, Medha

May 18, 2018

  Chloe I had already watched several YouTube videos prior to the Epic’s Ugly Location Challenge, so I had an idea what to look for and what we could try. However, the fact that we...


Eric Wu, News Editor April 26, 2018

Facebook has recently been rocked by a scandal revealing the leakage of the private data of up to 87 million users to a third party. Its stocks have dropped nearly $80 billion in value, and outraged users...


Meera Balaji, Public Relations Manager April 26, 2018

Despite serving over a billion people worldwide, Facebook still does not understand that with great power, comes great responsibility. Last month, a third-party app accumulated the personal information...

I am from:

April 18, 2018

From a young age, most Lynbrook students have been raised and conditioned in a competitive environment. In school, the pressure is on, and at home, even more so. With many parents hailing from Asian backgrounds,...

I log in as:

April 7, 2018

Notifications: 22 new chats. Status: online. Tap - tap - tap - tap - click: “message sent.” Tick-tick. Five seconds pass. “Message received, typing.” Only the computer can see the real-life image...

The Identity of Lynbrook High School

April 7, 2018

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I believe:

April 7, 2018

He frowns at his choices on the ballot before him. Despite having heard numerous speeches about the candidates’ platforms, he only feels disconnected from the issues presented and debated, which have...

I dream to be:

April 7, 2018

Lynbrook is full of dreamers: as students grow into strong adults they become involved in a variety of careers and causes in the hopes of leaving their mark on the world. Though these goals were formed...

Businesses overly praised for ineffective gun control

March 29, 2018

Following the Marjory Stoneman Douglas school shooting in Parkland, Florida, many have been reassured to see large retailers drop assault weapons from their stores and make them more difficult to purchase....

Retailers take small steps to change American gun culture

March 29, 2018

Recently, Facebook has drawn fire for harvesting and selling excessive amounts of data from their customers without permission. Indeed, regulatory bodies exist to dissuade excesses of corporate action....

Arushi Gautam March 14, 2018

Over the past few weeks, gun violence has been a hot topic of discussion on campus and on social media. As I talked to more people, and read various articles online each with a different viewpoint on this...