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The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

Kavya Iyer, Content Editor March 14, 2018

 On February 14, 2018, nineteen-year-old Nikolas Cruz decided to turn a day of love into a day of mourning. Cruz is being charged with first-degree murder for his Valentine’s Day rampage, which...

Heather Kong March 14, 2018

It has happened again: another school shooting. It saddens and sickens me to see that a place where young minds are taught the skills and knowledge to live happily later on in the real-world can be the...


Anonymous March 14, 2018

This is just a bit of perspective. People like to quote an article that said there were 18 school shootings within the two months of 2018, well does a bullet accidentally going through a school count as...

Evan Liu, freshman

Evan Liu, freshman

February 27, 2018

Q: What’s the most difficult part about playing 2 sports in 1 season? Does it affect your performance? A: The most difficult part is trying to balance both sports along with schoolwork and having...

Cosmo Cao, sophomore

Cosmo Cao, sophomore

February 27, 2018

Q: What expectations do your coaches have of you? A: For marching band, the coach is really strict with not missing practices, so I suffer a lot from that, because I have had to skip some cross country...

Erin Gao, sophomore

Erin Gao, sophomore

February 27, 2018

Q: What’s the most difficult part about playing 2 sports in 1 season? Does it affect your athletic performance? A: The most difficult part is having to communicate with two coaches. My track coach...

Chloe Lai, senior

Chloe Lai, senior

February 27, 2018

Q: What’s the most difficult part about playing two sports in one season? A: Having to regularly miss practices is the most difficult because we practice from 3:30pm to 5pm for track and swim practice...

Extended Interview with CEO of HomesFirst Andrea Urton

January 31, 2018

What impact do you think these tiny homes will have on the homeless? The Bridge Housing Project are technically not tiny homes.  They are sleeping cabins with electricity and not plumbing.  There...

Stand Up for Kids

January 31, 2018

View this gallery to see pictures of the Stand Up for Kids facility, a safe place for homeless youth from the ages of 12-24 that offers mentorship, hot meals and clothes.


Meera Balaji, Public Relations Manager December 7, 2017

The moment after people’s lives are lost in an act of terror, the media goes into a frenzy. Reporters fly out to the scene, stories float around on the internet and the comments section of any post burst...

Terror in Europe, or Is It Just a Misunderstanding?

Paul Li, Guest Columnist December 7, 2017

Watching the news nowadays can seem repetitive. Parisian mass shootings two times in the same year. Truck runs over people in Berlin just a few months after Nice. Reviews of the numerous attacks make us...

Indifference to fear

Chelsea Li, Michyla Lin and Eshani Mehta December 7, 2017

The aftershocks from an act of terrorism can powerfully impact those not involved in the act itself, as fear rapidly spreads throughout the nation, causing people to turn against each other and doubt their...