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The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

Tunes for Totoras benefit concert raises money to build school in Ecuador

Tunes for Totoras benefit concert raises money to build school in Ecuador

Diana Xu, Managing Editor May 3, 2019

Outside, students warmly welcomed guests and offered baked goods and rafikis for purchase. Inside, classical music entertained the audience enjoying the performance. The Tunes for Totoras Benefit Concert...

Self discovery and sex education: Bringing the truths out from under the sheets into the light

Self discovery and sex education: Bringing the truths out from under the sheets into the light

Rachel Wu and Patricia Wei May 3, 2019

For her seventh grade biology classes in rural Mississippi, science teacher Bobbie R. Byrd showed her students a video of a life birth. They saw blood from the birth splattered on the doctor and the floor....

Photoessay: LHS AISA presents Silsilay 2019

Photoessay: LHS AISA presents Silsilay 2019

Arul Gnanasivam, Photo Editor March 29, 2019

The America Indo Student Association (AISA) hosted its annual Silsilay cultural show on March 16 in the auditorium. The show featured dance teams from schools around the Bay Area, who performed to both...

Tim Wehner and his various roles on campus

Tim Wehner and his various roles on campus

Arul Gnanasivam, Photo Editor March 29, 2019

To the hundreds of students crossing the street in front of Lynbrook, there is always one familiar face: Tim Wehner. Rain or shine, Wehner is always at the front of school, greeting students with a huge...

Boys volleyball working in tandem through the season

Boys volleyball working in tandem through the season

Rachel Wu, Design Editor March 29, 2019

Since February, the Lynbrook boys volleyball team has been practicing in the gym for two hours from Monday to Friday each week. At each practice, players work on the several aspects of gameplay, but mainly...

Athletes see, athletes do: watching sports benefits athletes’ performance

Athletes see, athletes do: watching sports benefits athletes’ performance

Chloe Lee, Art Editor March 29, 2019

The ball speeds across the screen, aiming straight for the goal as the remaining players sprint to catch up to the player who kicked it. The TV speakers blare with the crowd’s cheering, and senior Kiana...

The multigenerational impact of grandparents

The multigenerational impact of grandparents

Kaylin Li and Christy Yu March 29, 2019

Grandchildren are not always close with their grandparents. But junior Faizah Asif’s grandmother is her best friend. “I'm the closest with my grandma, my mom's mom,” Asif said. “We do a lot...

A guide to loans, financial aid and scholarships

A guide to loans, financial aid and scholarships

Medha Upadhyay, Features Editor March 29, 2019

Being accepted into a dream college requires hard work, but so does figuring out how to pay for it. In fact, according to EDVestinU, 72 percent of those aged 46 and older continue to stress over their...

Untangle the truths about veganism and the impacts it creates

Not just salads: veganism and its impacts

Audrey Wong, Managing Editor March 29, 2019

On social media and websites like YouTube, numerous influencers promote vegan products, post their picture-perfect avocado toast or rave about smoothie bowls. The depiction of veganism on social media...

climbing over the cultural wall, beyond the boundaries, how green is the grass on the other side?, to wear a nation and put on the other, how immigration pieces together fragments of cultural identity

Immigration nation: a mosaic of values

Hatim Saifee and Pranav Mishra March 29, 2019

A century and a half ago, rumors of gold in the uncharted western wilderness of California took the world by storm. Within a span of months, ships began docking in the state’s ports by the hundreds —...

How to finish second semester senior year

How to finish second semester senior year

Jonathan Ye and Kaylin Li March 29, 2019

With college applications completed, graduation coming up in a few months and many students soon turning 18, every senior should end his or her high school career with lasting memories. To take advantage...

"Paddleton" tugs at the heart yet remains uninteresting

“Paddleton” tugs at the heart yet remains uninteresting

Belinda Zhou, Opinion Editor March 29, 2019

When a large mass and several lesions are found on his CT scan, all Michael can muster is an “it’s okay.” After watching “Paddleton,” all I could muster was “it’s okay.” “Paddleton”...