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The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

Surviving is not the same as living.

Learning to survive

Deeksha Raj, Business Manager May 20, 2024

Surviving is not the same as living. As a child, your firsts are always celebrated. Your first word, first steps, first day of school. But no one truly knows when it may be the last time doing such...

It’s 10 a.m., and a deathly silence permeates the air at the tarnished wooden dinner table. A half-eaten Trader Joe's Mochi Cake lies messily wrapped in aluminum foil, beside a nearly empty bottle of Tabasco sauce.

Three simple ingredients.

Myles Kim, Editor-in-Chief May 20, 2024

It’s 10 a.m., and a deathly silence permeates the air at the tarnished wooden dinner table. A half-eaten Trader Joe's Mochi Cake lies messily wrapped in aluminum foil, beside a nearly empty bottle of...

Protests over Gaza and Palestine have appeared in colleges across the United States, such as the University of Southern California and Columbia University.

Colleges have become a battleground for free speech

Alex Cotterel and Apurva Krishnamurthy May 20, 2024

 “We were screaming over the barricade at the police that were supposedly sent to protect the students,” Lynbrook alumna and freshman at UCLA Jasmine Lu said.   Under the darkness of night, violence...

The recent influx of "test flu" has led to absences on test days, disrupting the learning environment and delaying teacher schedules.

Editorial: Fighting the newest outbreak: test flu

Epic Staff May 20, 2024

The phone rings in the main office — another absence call for a supposedly sick student. Coincidentally, multiple teachers are giving tests on that day. Spikes in absences on days when tests are administered...

Lynbrook alumni Elliu Huang explores his identity surrounding Bay Area stereotypes.

The harsh reality of a Bay Area Asian male

Elliu Huang, Managing Editor May 20, 2024

Nothing can prepare you for your first week of college. Scrambling around orientation, trying to match faces and names, figuring out the best food on campus. Then there are all the parties, deciding what...

Although Meta's new feature had good intentions to limit misinformation, it is not effective in achieving its goals.

The downsides of Meta’s new political content feature

Nicole Ge and David Zhu April 29, 2024

In a controversial move, Meta announced in a blog post on Feb. 9 that they would implement a feature limiting the amount of recommended political content to users worldwide on Facebook, Instagram and Threads....

In Mark Twain's book "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn", the use of the racial slurs accurately depicts the time period the book was set in.

Controversial writing communicates powerful messages

Rohan Kakhandiki and Taek Kim April 29, 2024

Lynbrook Drama’s spring play, “The Laramie Project,” stood out and prompted debate due to its mature subject matter. The play is based on the story of Matthew Shepard, a gay man who was beaten and...

At the FUHSD Earth Day Event, students taught one another about environmental and health literacy and emphasized campus sustainability.

Editorial: Campus sustainability should not stop with students

Epic Staff April 29, 2024

From anti-waste measures in FUHSD food service to the district Climate Collective’s recycling initiative, numerous endeavors from FUHSD and student groups have made strides toward greener campuses in...

From "Barbie" to "Mulan," nostalgia has been a marketing strategy to remodel remniscent shows, yet some approaches have entered gray regions between offering fresh perspectives and exploiting the audiences' pre-existing connections.

Nostalgia in media: Toeing the line between modernized and contrived

Valerie Shu and Alyssa Wang April 29, 2024

A bright-orange jukebox, references to popular childhood arcade games like PacMan and Wreck-it-Ralph and YMCA by the Village People — all of these are popular images of the past, which many film companies...

Through Weekend Writings, Eileen slowly became more fluent in English and found a new method to express herself.

Expressing myself through pen and paper

Eileen Zhu, Design Editor April 1, 2024

While many of my kindergarten classmates went to lunch ecstatic and hungry, I went to lunch every day on a mission: to make a friend. My dad always advised me to make friends by following the other kids...

Paywalls prevent many people from being able to access accurate and important information.

The detriments of locking truth behind paywalls

Sarah Zhang and Meadow Shen April 1, 2024

It’s the age of misinformation: scrupulous journalism and research are expensive to achieve, while fabrication and conspiracies are readily churned out. Due to these costs, many newspaper and academic...