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The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

Stopping the legacy of inequity in college admissions

Stopping the legacy of inequity in college admissions

Yvonne Wu, Web Editor November 4, 2024

In September, California took steps to ban legacy and donor admissions in private non-profit institutions with Assembly Bill 1780 — which will be effective Sept. 1, 2025. But due to widespread inequality,...

Editorial: Initiating safer traffic practices around campus

Editorial: Initiating safer traffic practices around campus

Epic Staff November 4, 2024

As each school day starts, chaos sweeps through the lanes of Johnson Avenue, the major road that acts as both an entrance and exit to Lynbrook’s campus. Cars wait impatiently to turn, students hurriedly...

Anti-wokeness causes political polarization

Anti-wokeness causes political polarization

Taek Kim and Saavan Saraf October 7, 2024

In classroom discussions, debates and across social media, the term “woke” has become a lightning rod for criticism. What began as a call to social justice has been weaponized by conservative politicians...

How to (not) talk about mental health

How to (not) talk about mental health

Olivia Tu, Staffer October 7, 2024

As the week fluctuates through chilly winds to scalding sun rays, one student remarks that the “weather is so bipolar.” Relaxing in a room devoid of trash, sheets freshly folded, another student claims...

Looking back and moving forward

Looking back and moving forward

David Zhu, Opinion Editor October 7, 2024

On lazy Saturdays in fifth grade, I spent entire afternoons outside exploring the neighborhood and digging around my garden. At that age, freedom from responsibility meant that I had a seemingly infinite...

Touch, taste, sight and smell in a digital world

Touch, taste, sight and smell in a digital world

Gary Pan, Staffer October 7, 2024

My bookshelf is my art gallery; every time I pass by, I am transported to the Louvre in Paris.  Each book on my bookshelf is a piece of art that I can pull out and appreciate. Be it feeling the deckled...

Editorial: Schoolwide phone policy should assist responsible usage

Editorial: Schoolwide phone policy should assist responsible usage

Epic Staff October 7, 2024

As the rest of the class finishes their projects, students around the classroom instinctively reach for their phones, creating a distraction for themselves and other students attempting to focus on the...

“What do you want to be when you grow up?”

Atoms or Aristotle?

Apurva Krishnamurthy, News Editor May 20, 2024

“What do you want to be when you grow up?”  “Where do you see yourself in 10 years?” These were questions that had been posed to me on numerous occasions, yet my response was the same every...

I thought I wanted to be a romantic — or even a communist — after indulging in the passionate, Marxist-inspired writing of Sally Rooney.

Reading between the lines

Surya Saraf, Copy Editor May 20, 2024

I thought I wanted to be a romantic — or even a communist — after indulging in the passionate, Marxist-inspired writing of Sally Rooney. Or possibly a philosopher, after burning through Jean-Paul Sartre’s...

A conversation between different versions of myself, split between the characters ME and her inner voices, RISKY, CAUTION and WHY, who all respond to FRIEND.

Fragments of my inner self

Anushka Anand, Managing Editor May 20, 2024

A conversation between different versions of myself, split between the characters ME and her inner voices, RISKY, CAUTION and WHY, who all respond to FRIEND. ME is the main character, trying to find balance...

My ordinary morning routine starts in a dreary, colorless bedroom, where I wake up facing blank walls and bare floors aside from the occasional dusty Lego set.

Going home

Riki Murase, Social Media Manager May 20, 2024

My ordinary morning routine starts in a dreary, colorless bedroom, where I wake up facing blank walls and bare floors aside from the occasional dusty Lego set. I sift through my clothes either in my beaten...

Queen to G3. I sat with my arms crossed on a table too tall for me, the black and white queens and kings looming ahead. One move to checkmate. He would be forced to capture with his pawn.

Rolling the dice on life

Katie Chin, Copy Editor May 20, 2024

Queen to G3. I sat with my arms crossed on a table too tall for me, the black and white queens and kings looming ahead. One move to checkmate. He would be forced to capture with his pawn. Pawn to G6. The...