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The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

Editorial: Adjusting homeroom to adapt to student needs

Editorial: Adjusting homeroom to adapt to student needs

October 5, 2018

In hopes of alleviating student stress, the Lynbrook staff and administration have introduced Homeroom, which falls on Fridays with occasional exceptions, such as rally days and days before the end of...

Last thoughts before the first day of school

Last thoughts before the first day of school

Patricia Wei, Web Director August 19, 2018

I still remember my first day of high school, three years ago. I walked into my advisory classroom, where Mr. Alderete gave us not only forms for claiming lockers but also packs of gum. He told us...

Lynbrook reacts to This Is America by Childish Gambino

Lynbrook reacts to This Is America by Childish Gambino

Srinidhi Seshadri, Web Editor June 28, 2018

Lynbrook staff members Jeffery Bale and Denise Stuart along with students Kristin Lee, Eileen Choi, Arushi Gautam, Maya Abiram and Jessica Peng react to Childish Gambino's controversial music video this...

The consequences of celebrities voicing their political stances

Tzen-Hao Ng, Writer May 24, 2018

In especially egregious cases, it may be difficult to separate artists from their creative work. In recent news, high-profile actors such as Bill Cosby and Kevin Spacey have been accused of sexual assault,...

Sending my sister off to college

Diana Xu, Managing Editor May 24, 2018

Ever since my sister committed to the University of California, Berkeley, I realized that I would soon become the new target of my parents’ expectations. This didn’t excite me at all. I knew I wouldn’t...

Comedians cause an uproar at the White House

Sadhana Sarma, Design Editor May 24, 2018

“Like a porn star says when she’s about to have sex with a Trump, let’s get this over with”; this is how excited comedian Michelle Wolf was for her performance at the 2018 White House Correspondents’...

Editorial: The pros and cons of decorating grad caps

May 24, 2018

After four years of hard work and perseverance, seniors rejoice in their final shining moment of high school: graduation day. Weeks before the graduation ceremony, seniors carefully pick out their stoles,...

College Board Logo

Collegeboard: A Monopoly

Tzen-hao Ng, Writer May 17, 2018

The U.S. has a long history of breaking monopolies. When John D. Rockefeller’s Standard Oil and Andrew Carnegie’s U.S. Steel dominated the oil and steel markets in the 19th and 20th centuries, respectively,...

Editorial: Encourage solidarity by accepting student-led movements

Editorial: Encourage solidarity by accepting student-led movements

April 26, 2018

Streets and quads across America on March 14 were filled with students and teachers standing together as a tribute to the seventeen lives lost in the recent Parkland shooting and making a call for improved...

Sinclair stations democracy

Sinclair stations democracy

Tzen-Hao Ng, Writer April 26, 2018

Sinclair Broadcast Group, the largest U.S. telecommunications company, has recently come under fire for demonstrating its lack of regard for the journalistic process. Specifically, it has been revealed...

CHS threats spark unease

CHS threats spark unease

Diana Xu, Managing Editor April 26, 2018

It was halfway through lunch on March 27 when my heart lurched and I immediately felt like throwing up. I could not fathom what my friend had just told me: there was a shooter on Cupertino High School’s...