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The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

Groupon to blame for racial slur in ad

Aileen Xue, Editors-in-Chief April 26, 2018

As of late, there have been numerous incidents involving racist references in ads featured by major companies, one of the most recent concerning e-commerce website Groupon, which is known for providing...

Drivers in autonomous vehicles must be alert

Drivers in autonomous vehicles must be alert

Hsinyen Huang, Managing Editor April 26, 2018

The proliferation of self-driving cars has always been a dream commonly associated with the future. Thanks to advancements in artificial intelligence and sensor technology, the dream can now be realized...

Lessons learned from technology in movies

Lessons learned from technology in movies

Medha Upadhyay, Features Editor April 17, 2018

These days, movies all seem to be be casting one key player: technology. Surprised? Don’t be. Technology has been woven into the very fabric of several recent movies. But this is not just a trend. It...

Impact of Buddhism on the development of identity

Impact of Buddhism on the development of identity

Tzen-hao Ng, Writer April 14, 2018

Often, one can hear horror stories about overly-religious parents dictating the lives of their children, who may not know anything of a life outside of religion.  Or, one may hear of cults, of ritual...

Why I hate April Fool's Day

Why I hate April Fool’s Day

Belinda Zhou, Opinion Editor April 9, 2018

It’s only 9 a.m. and your best friend has called you and divulged to you her pregnancy. When you awoke from your slumber, your father was dangling a pair of car keys to your dream car, the $123,600 matte...

Weight Watchers targets teenagers

Weight Watchers targets teenagers

Divya Nelakonda, News Editor March 29, 2018

As part of an initiative to expand to a younger and more loyal customer base, Weight Watchers has announced that it will be launching a free six-week program in July for teens from ages 13 to 17. My immediate...

Editorial: School elections call for modifications

March 29, 2018

The 2018-2019 ASB officer election season and the voting period for class officer elections have both come to an end. During each election process, a standard procedure has been established and refined...

America's past: not such a blast

America’s past: not such a blast

Nicole Ong, Editors-in-Chief March 29, 2018

My eighth grade U.S. History class sparked a new passion in me to connect the dots between America's past and present. As I researched further, however, I realized I had only learned a fraction of true...

Students share their opinions on the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting

Students share their opinions on the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting

March 14, 2018

The recent shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School on Feb. 14, 2018. 17 lives were lost. The U.S. was left shattered with students and parents feeling unsafe at school. the Epic invited...

Who does your feminism include?

Nicole Ong, Editors-in-Chief March 1, 2018

Feminism. 8 letters. Years of progress that can not be put together in a single word. From women’s suffrage, to the push for sexual rights, to the recent Women’s Marches, feminism has been a major...

Editorial: Need for sexual assault and harassment resources on campus

March 1, 2018

Sexual assault is a topic commonly viewed as taboo, but with various Hollywood sexual harassment and assault scandals making headlines, this complicated issue has become increasingly difficult to ignore....