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The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

Writer Jasmine Hou deliberates on the pros and cons of online learning

Online learning

Jasmine Hou, Writer November 6, 2019

“Welcome to CTY Online Programs!” the email read. “I will be your teacher and your guide for this intensive AP Chemistry course.” I looked at my screen and sighed. The summer had barely begun and...

Inspired by Greta Thunberg, Fridays for Future and the Global Climate Strike involved teenage activists worldwide demanding urgent climate action from world leaders.

Climate Change: America loses its cool

Rachel Wu, Design Editor November 6, 2019

America has long been viewed as an economic powerhouse, a symbol of prosperity and opportunity. But in an era when environmental conservation laws are repealed and the U.S. pulls out of environmental committees,...

Writer Renee Ge stands with her hand over mouth, symbolizing the silences discussed in both Lulu Wang's movie "The Farewell" and Ge's column.

My Own Farewell

Renee Ge, In-Depth Editor October 2, 2019

When my grandfather was in and out of the hospital for a tumor in his abdomen, my dad dropped everything to spend time with him. I would often come home from school to find out that he had bought another...

"I voted" sticker

Politics: How young is too young?

Dhriti Iyer and Diana Kohr October 2, 2019

At the end of August 2019, the students of Meyerholz Elementary School received flyers from community members encouraging them to participate in a protest against the Homeless Navigation Center (HNC),...

s more cell phones are used as tools of distraction, many schools have resorted to banning them altogether

Device disconnection encourages real connections

Sloka Suresh, Writer October 2, 2019

 Walking through the halls of campus, it is not unusual to see students with phones in hand. For many, time with cell phones offer a needed break from academics, a chance to unwind and relax. However,...

Persky's past in People v. Turner resurfaces with his hiring as Lynbrook's girls JV tennis coach.

Editorial: District justified in controversial Persky firing

Epic Staff October 2, 2019

Vice News, Sept. 12: How the Hell Did the Brock Turner Judge Get a Job as a Girls Tennis Coach? Certainly, no one expected it. But it happened: former Santa Clara Superior Court judge Michael Aaron...

"It is hard for me to see this breakdown as anything except an attempt by Disney to conquer yet another production studio."

Spider-Man: Homeless

Medha Upadhyay, Features Editor October 2, 2019

When Spider-Man fans joked that the next movie in the trilogy would be “Spider-Man: Homeless,” they could not have foreseen the major custody battle that Disney and Sony would undergo over the iconic...

The impact of the new club review system that made way for new cubs on campus.

ASB employs fair review system for clubs

Elliu Huang, Managing Editor October 2, 2019

New faces stream into a classroom during lunch, bright in anticipation of the first club meeting. After club officer introductions, students listen to the officers’ presentation and laugh at jokes while...

Picture of the Singapore skyline with the headline written across.

Lost in Translation: Redefining what Asian American means to me

Nicole Ong, Editors-in-Chief September 10, 2019

When I was younger, my childhood Chinese teacher posed this question to the class: "Which part of China are you from?" The question was not so much where the student was from, but where in China the...

Patricia Wei is pictured holding the novel "The Things They Carried" by Tim O'Brien, where she gained the inspiration for her column's title.

Reflecting on the stories we carry

Patricia Wei, Web Director August 13, 2019

I want to start off this column by saying that in some ways, I've failed. This column was supposed to be published way back in May, before I graduated, but I never made much progress past the outline stage...

Pictured is Sadhana Sarma, the author of this column.

Cases of fate: failures

Sadhana Sarma, Design Editor July 3, 2019

As my time in high school comes to a close, I am abundantly aware of the phrase “hindsight is 20/20.” For those of you who are underclassmen and feel that things are not going your way, I am here to...

Writing in a tech bubble

Writing in a tech bubble

Elena Williams, Editor-in-Chief May 31, 2019

I love my phone. It connects me with my friends; it keeps me in touch with my family; it can help me reach the police in an emergency; it lets me play Tetris. Like many growing up in Silicon Valley,...