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The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

How early should finals be taken?

How early should finals be taken?

Hsin Yen Huang, Jonathan Ye May 31, 2019

As the school year comes to a close, students frantically begin studying for final exams, which are typically held during the last week of school. However, in some AP classes, teachers choose to administer...

Editorial: Food for thought: more vegetarian options needed

Editorial: Food for thought: more vegetarian options needed

May 31, 2019

Each day, hundreds of students purchase lunch and snacks from the cafeteria; however, the number of students has dwindled to approximately a hundred this year due to the relocation of the cafeteria to...

What if a girl in the Holocaust had Instagram?

What if a girl in the Holocaust had Instagram?

Katie Chen, Content Editor May 31, 2019

The year is 1944. The Holocaust has pervaded Europe and is headed for Nagyvarad, Hungary, where 13-year-old Eva Heyman and her grandparents live. She leads a relatively normal life: she is elated when...

Fitting in: my struggle with pressure in high school

Fitting in: my struggle with pressure in high school

Noela Bae, Content Editor May 28, 2019

Nike’s famous slogan “Just Do It” often serves as an empowering and motivational mantra. But to me, this slogan was a phrase that fueled peer pressure throughout high school, giving my friends and...

Fear is temporary: a senior’s advice on making the most of high school

Fear is temporary: a senior’s advice on making the most of high school

Srinidhi Seshadri, Web Editor May 27, 2019

August 17, 2015. My very first day of high school. I had just moved from India and was new to the area. I wondered if I would make friends, and I feared my introverted nature would prevent me from doing...

My favorite F-words: friends, fashion and f*** gender norms

My favorite F-words: friends, fashion and f*** gender norms

Hatim Saifee, Web Editor May 26, 2019

Navy blue t-shirt. Grey Gap jacket. Straight cut dark blue jeans. Grey sports shoes. Combed hair, messy brows. Scared of judgment, eyes staring at my bland clothes, never lifting my head. Not acquainted...

Don’t take every opportunity: knowing your limits

Don’t take every opportunity: knowing your limits

Michelle Lum, Editor in Chief May 25, 2019

“Take every opportunity.” That’s something we’ve been told all our lives, and a principle that I wholeheartedly embraced as I entered high school. This resulted in me taking the most classes I...

In My Opinion

A year after Parkland: don’t let the momentum die

Srinidhi Seshadri, Web Editor May 15, 2019

February 2018: news of a mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, jolted Americans across the nation. Within a month, students across the country organized a national...

2019 Indian Elections: changing democracy

2019 Indian Elections: changing democracy

Priyanka Anand, Web Editor May 3, 2019

As my school bus drove on bumpy lanes in India every morning, I often saw colorful posters endorsing low-level politicians plastered on walls and hung up on poles. Many of the posters simply wished those...

You like my nails? Gee thanks, just got them (done)!

You like my nails? Gee thanks, just got them (done)!

Hatim Saifee, Web Editor May 3, 2019

As the manicurist finished shaping my nails and prepared to let them dry, I asked her for lavender nail polish. Her shocked look made me second guess the words I had just uttered. Was it acceptable for...

Chick-Fil-A controversy leaves customers feeling fried

Chick-Fil-A controversy leaves customers feeling fried

Claire Chiu, Writer May 3, 2019

With more than 2,200 locations nationwide, fast food company Chick-Fil-A has a massive customer base, yet even the popularity cannot hide its homophobic stance. In 2014, Chick-Fil-A CEO Dan Cathy made...

Keeping gun control alive

Keeping gun control alive

Dhriti Iyer, News Editor May 3, 2019

On Feb. 14, 2018, one of the largest mass shootings in the country took place at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. On March 14, students nationwide walked out of their classes...