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The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The problem of perfection(ism)

The problem of perfection(ism)

Crystal Qian, Copy Editor May 26, 2022

Perfection. A word that pervades modern society. What do you associate with perfection? Exquisite penmanship, immaculate rooms, straight A’s? Many believe perfectionism is good. I once did too. Today,...

So what do I say? What will I do? Who am I to be?

Hi, I’m Bennie?

Bennie Chang, Editor-in-Chief May 26, 2022

You’ve heard the importance of first impressions, right? That people decide in the first seven seconds if they like you or not. That changing an initial perception is extremely, extremely difficult. So...

Most of all, I remember, through all the papercuts, misaligned holes and empty staplers, my ambition to win the most prestigious accolades.

The beauty and truth in the ordinary

Elliu Huang, Managing Editor May 26, 2022

On my Ikea Billy bookcase rests 61 notebooks and 37 binders. I remember the lazy summer mornings, practicing completing the square from an algebra workbook in one of my many notebooks. I remember the dim...

Sometimes, you just want to feel understood and normal.

So…what is my major?

Sharlene Chen, Design Editor May 26, 2022

“What do you want to be when you grow up?”  “An artist!”  Throughout elementary school, that was my instinctive response. I knew I liked the freedom offered by a blank canvas and the satisfaction...

As summer approaches, social media platforms are flooding with content related toward achieving the ideal ‘summer body.’

Is the ‘Summer Body’ trend toxic?

Audrey Sun, Staffer May 26, 2022

As summer approaches, social media platforms are flooding with content related toward achieving the ideal ‘summer body’: a term that implies that bodies need to look a certain way in order to enjoy...

Every single decision I made was carefully calculated, based solely on what it would contribute to my resume.

Doing things just for fun again

Emma Cionca, Sports Editor May 26, 2022

As a 12-year-old, I would read “How to Write Your College Essay’” prep books. My parents thought it was a good idea to expose me to these ideas, as it was never too early to start preparing for my...

Entrance to the quad includes both stairs and an accessible ramp.

Editorial: Including students with disabilities

Epic Staff May 3, 2022

Ableism is defined as “discrimination in favor of able-bodied people.” Personal and systemic ableism is frequently witnessed throughout most high schools, including Lynbrook, and needs to be addressed...

I consume media mainly to escape the dull routine of my daily life.

The art of creating problems by running away

Myles Kim, Editor-in-Chief May 3, 2022

The incessant noise that often fills my head with doubts and carries my pessimistic attitude towards life is briefly lost in the wind as I ride out my fantasies as an outlaw during America's gilded age...

A person’s appearance should not matter in the workplace — only their skills truly matter.

Why does appearance matter in the workplace?

Jasmine Rihal, Social Media Manager May 3, 2022

In a majority of professional environments, there has been evident prejudice against those with tattoos, brightly dyed hair and afros. But a person’s appearance should not matter in the workplace —...

Snapchat’s optimistic mission is masked by users’ compulsive desires to maintain streaks and to illustrate a perfect life.

Snapchat: Fostering friendships or competition?

Susanna Tang, Editor-in-Chief May 3, 2022

Approximately 319 million users every day tap on the iconic white ghost centered within a yellow box to reply to a friend’s “snap” — a picture or short video. Snapchat’s mission is to “empower...

Elton John, Young Thug, Billy Porter, Bad Bunny, and Stray Kids are just a few of the prominent trailblazers of androgynous fashion.

Harry Styles isn’t the epitome of androgynous fashion

Lina Mezerreg, Staffer May 3, 2022

Fashion has long been a form of self-expression, but as androgynous or gender non-conforming fashion begins to enter the mainstream, public figures have often received polarizing media attention for their...

I still have a long way to reach that point in my life where I can discard what other people think, but I’m slowly changing my attitude.

“What will people say?”

Neha Ayyer, In-Depth Editor May 3, 2022

I looked in awe at my mother getting dressed for a party in traditional Indian clothes, jewelry and makeup. It was expected of me to dress similarly, but I couldn’t help feeling that it simply wasn’t...