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The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

Here are some key ways to combat the negative side effects of the coronavirus lockdown.

Taking care of yourself during quarantine

Lina Mezerreg, Staffer December 4, 2020

Lockdown has given everyone an abundance of work and worries, resulting in seemingly trivial matters like personal welfare often being neglected. But health and well-being should not be disregarded, especially...

As the years pass, more students are beginning to take advantage of the opportunities that community college courses offer.

Concurrent enrollment at community colleges spikes in fall quarter

Allison Hsieh, Writer November 4, 2020

In the past, many students have taken community college courses on Lynbrook’s campus and on the campuses of various community colleges. Although community college courses have moved online, they are...

My version of happiness had been superficial and one dimensional, but I’ve come to recognize that genuine happiness can’t exist without an understanding of other emotions as well.

Positivity unmasked

Kavya Iyer, Content Editor November 4, 2020

I stared at myself in the mirror, ashamed of the ashy-grey tear stains on my cheeks. In the safety of the empty school bathroom, I splashed cold water on my face to erase any evidence of the smudges and...

The Better Bike Plan 2025 strives to make biking in the city of San Jose more equitable, convenient and comfortable.

Better Bike Plan 2025: A win for residents, equity and the environment

Shamita Gurusu, Business/PR Manager November 4, 2020

On Oct. 6, the San Jose City Council unanimously passed the Better Bike Plan 2025 (BBP 25). Through this plan, the city of San Jose will build a 550-mile network of bike lanes, boulevards and trails connecting...

The journey of boba begins more than a millennium before the sweet tea and fancy toppings we know today came to be.

Take a sip of boba — and its history

Anwen Huang, In-Depth Editor November 4, 2020

Gao takes photos of various wildlife in different environments using her photography equipment.

Capturing the moment: Senior Carol Gao’s wildlife photography

Sophie Au, Design Editor November 4, 2020

Crouched down on a kayak with a five-pound camera lens, senior Carol Gao observes as birds fly nearby and occasionally swoop down to the lake’s surface. She snaps a photo, but it is blurry. She snaps...

Quarantine has given (from left to right) Vakkalanka, Chen and Sriram ample time to pursue new hobbies, which have helped them foster new skills and improve themselves as people.

Channels, circuits and characters: Students discover new passions in quarantine

Elizabeth Cheng, Editor-in-Chief November 4, 2020

With extracurricular activities put on pause at the beginning of the pandemic, students have been inspired to explore many new hobbies that have allowed for self-improvement. Although many canceled activities...

Sophomore Dhruv Malik hikes with his friends at the Rancho San Antonio Preserve.

Outdoor activities to try during the pandemic

Anirudh Seshadri, Managing Editor November 4, 2020

Because people can no longer gather indoors, many Lynbrook students and teachers have taken up many outdoor activities such as hiking, skateboarding and rock climbing. These pastimes help them not only...

Stylized portraits of Kamala Harris, Hillary Clinton, Elizabeth Warren and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are centered on a pink background. Negative quotes from political opponents surround them.

The unwritten rules of politics for women

Alara Dasdan, Writer November 4, 2020

Social media was in an uproar over the vice presidential debate between Senator Kamala Harris and Vice President Mike Pence. To Republicans, Pence's uncompromising mettle showed his authority. To Democrats,...

Here are the features that are currently being worked on.

Construction continues throughout pandemic

Elizabeth Park, Writer November 4, 2020

Renovation of the cafeteria and lower quad was completed on campus at the beginning of the 2019-20 school year, and until quarantine began, students were still adjusting to these new features. Even with...

The valley has gone through a complete transformation in the last 100 years from a primarily agrarian society to an urban region with a high concentration of tech companies.

Silicon Valley: From fruit trees to computer chips

Youqi Huang and Rachel Wu November 4, 2020

The Silicon Valley we know today had its roots as a primarily agricultural region. Now, it stands as the birthplace of an unique culture of innovation, home to numerous companies in the tech industry regarded...

Due to social distancing protocols, many typical festivities including garba and dandiya have been forced to adapt.

Navratri and Dussehra 2020: Celebration of spirit

Kavya Iyer and Priyanka Anand November 4, 2020

Brightly colored skirts swirl as people dance in circles, Dandiya sticks clack together and swift feet squeak against the linoleum flooring. The air radiates warmth and energy as the occasional laugh rises...