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The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

Here are the candidates for the local elections.

Local elections begin for the City of San Jose

Mei Corricello, Editor-in-Chief October 30, 2020

Although the 2020 presidential election has the nation’s attention, local election results may have a greater impact on citizens’ everyday lives. Among the many candidates and propositions on the Nov....

Informed voting: Guide to measures on the 2020 General Election ballot

Sunny Li, Youqi Huang, Lillian Fu and Sophie Au October 30, 2020

The California General Election will be Nov. 3, and all registered voters in California will receive a vote-by-mail ballot for the election, which has been mailed out by county elections offices starting...

Despite the convenience of later start times during quarantine, Lynbrook continues to begin the day at 8 a.m., against the advice of student health experts.

Why remote school should have started later

Elena Williams, Editor-in-Chief August 25, 2020

First period has a distinctive atmosphere — stifled yawns, sluggish shuffling, dead-eyed stares. Students are tired. There is no shortage of evidence proving that early school start times correlate...

Removing the politics behind periods: California bill removes sales tax for menstrual products and diapers

Removing the politics behind periods: California bill removes sales tax for menstrual products and diapers

Katie Chen and Contributions by Sunny Li April 17, 2020

California Senate Bill 92 (SB 92) went into effect on Jan. 1, 2020, temporarily removing the sales tax on menstrual products and diapers. Passed in June 2019, the law made California one of 13 states to...

Seniors Lucy Sun and Ruijia Xing sit in the cafeteria with their masks on during brunch of Friday, March 13, the last day before the school announced its closure.

Lynbrook to be closed for three weeks in response to COVID-19

Kaylin Li, Web Editor March 15, 2020

After the bell rang on Friday, March 13, releasing students from their fourth period class, students chattered and ran up to each other in the hallways more than usual. The cause: an announcement made...

In accordance with the California Voter’s Choice Act (VCA) that was passed in 2016, Santa Clara County (SCC) is making efforts to ease the voting process, diversify voter demographics and increase participation. 

In-state election policy changes

Dhriti Iyer, News Editor February 26, 2020

With the primary elections quickly approaching, California has made several efforts to increase voter participation by modernizing the election process. In accordance with the California Voter’s Choice...

"The CCPA gives consumers several tools to take more control of their privacy, but it does not prevent businesses from collecting information about consumers." Ginny Sanderson, Internet Law Attorney

CCPA: Privacy, anonymity and equality

Sloka Suresh and Teresa Arisawa January 29, 2020

Collected, bought and sold. For decades, personal data has been used by businesses to learn everything about their consumers — from names to shopping preferences and addresses — and commodified for...

Beginning in the 2022-2023 school year, California high schools will be required to push back start times to 8:30 a.m, but does that equate to more sleep?

California pushes back school start times to 8:30 a.m.

Mei Corricello, Editor-in-Chief December 11, 2019

Beginning in the 2022-2023 school year, California high schools will be required to push back start times to 8:30 a.m. Though the impact on FUHSD is uncertain, school administrators have begun to discuss...

The headline is embedded on a text-message bubble, set in front of a background of lights reminiscent of police siren lights.

911 texting service launches

Diana Kohr, Web Editor November 6, 2019

Text to 911 program was officially released by Santa Clara County in September, and it is currently available to most cities in Santa Clara County, excluding Campbell and Los Gatos. This program provides...

Graphic of the United States showing the required age to vote in each state

Seventeen-year-olds may be able to vote soon

Lillian Fu, Design Editor October 2, 2019

The voting age in California may soon be lowered from 18 to 17 under two proposed amendments to the state constitution. If passed, Assembly Constitutional Amendment (ACA) 4 would allow all 17-year-olds...

The rights protecting teens in their workplace

Claire Chiu and Melissa Chen October 2, 2019

“I can’t discriminate against you because you’re not a black or white person.” These words are branded into Michyla Lin’s mind. Over the summer of 2019, after her first year of university,...

The graphic illustration is used to represent the the new laws for football and the injuries they are meant to prevent.

California passes laws to limit high school football injury

Audrey Wong, Managing Editor October 2, 2019

Football, often seen as the classic high school sport, is declining in participation due to the apprehension over potential injuries. To ensure students’ safety, California has recently passed laws limiting...