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The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The headline is embedded on a text-message bubble, set in front of a background of lights reminiscent of police siren lights.

911 texting service launches

Diana Kohr, Web Editor November 6, 2019

Text to 911 program was officially released by Santa Clara County in September, and it is currently available to most cities in Santa Clara County, excluding Campbell and Los Gatos. This program provides...

Graphic of the United States showing the required age to vote in each state

Seventeen-year-olds may be able to vote soon

Lillian Fu, Design Editor October 2, 2019

The voting age in California may soon be lowered from 18 to 17 under two proposed amendments to the state constitution. If passed, Assembly Constitutional Amendment (ACA) 4 would allow all 17-year-olds...

The rights protecting teens in their workplace

Claire Chiu and Melissa Chen October 2, 2019

“I can’t discriminate against you because you’re not a black or white person.” These words are branded into Michyla Lin’s mind. Over the summer of 2019, after her first year of university,...

The graphic illustration is used to represent the the new laws for football and the injuries they are meant to prevent.

California passes laws to limit high school football injury

Audrey Wong, Managing Editor October 2, 2019

Football, often seen as the classic high school sport, is declining in participation due to the apprehension over potential injuries. To ensure students’ safety, California has recently passed laws limiting...

 Court ruling in Texas jeopardizes previously established reforms by Obamacare.

Texas court ruling jeopardizes Obamacare reforms

Elena Williams, Editor-in-Chief February 1, 2019

Pregnancy. Paralysis. Diabetes. These three conditions have little in common, except that each of them could have caused a patient to be declined medical insurance before the Affordable Care Act (ACA),...

San Jose hires homeless to clean up city

Dhriti Iyer, News Editor December 14, 2018

With rising house prices and living costs come increasing rates of homelessness. According to a census taken in 2017, there were 4,350 homeless individuals in San Jose. Since November, San Jose has been...

Food and Drug Administration's drug approval fails to protect public health

FDA drug approval fails to protect public health

Rachel Wu, Design Editor December 14, 2018

When a drug is approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), it is typically perceived as safe to consume. After all, its approval means that the drug has been determined by the federal government...

Recent straw bans prove ineffective

Recent straw bans prove ineffective

Melissa Chen, Writer October 5, 2018

It seems that #Stopsucking may actually suck, quite a bit. This movement denouncing plastic straws has been met with unprecedented support and approval, prompting government action to eliminate straws....

FUHSD modifies College Now program

FUHSD modifies College Now program

Jessica Li, Content Editor March 1, 2018

Faced with decreased interest and declining enrollment in their program, the College Now program board decided to adapt. At the beginning of second semester, FUHSD presented juniors with a certain...

Claire’s case highlights lack of FDA oversight

Medha Upadhyay, Features Editor January 25, 2018

While looking for makeup, shoppers often consider brand, price and quality. But it may be time to add a new factor: toxicity. In America, where a sense of false security is common among consumers due to...