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The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

Rent control laws regulate the amount of rent that landlords can demand from their tenants, usually by limiting how much rent can be increased. Used with permission from Pexels.

Amid state housing crisis, rent control remains contentious

Qianzi Loo and Olivia Yuan December 9, 2024

A housing crisis has plagued California since the 1970s, fueling numerous legislative attempts to curtail a dire lack of affordable housing over the years. Most recently on the 2024 California general...

 San Francisco has gone through many changes, such as the 1849 Gold Rush, the 1906 earthquake and recent downfalls with high-tech businesses.

The factors behind San Francisco’s economic decline

Audrey Sun and Vihaan Patel December 11, 2023

Before the pandemic, San Francisco’s streets were bustling with tourists, restaurants were packed and malls were crowded with shoppers. As one of the top four cities in the United States in terms of...

Most banks in the U.S. act as intermediaries, receiving money from deposits or by issuing stock to provide loans and other financial services

Silicon Valley Bank failure leads to unrest

Amishi Chandra and Valerie Shu April 10, 2023

The power of banks in the U.S. economy has grown abundantly clear as recent collapses have sent shockwaves through the banking sector, leaving devastating impacts on depositors and the economy as a whole....

Most U.S. imports arrive from overseas in containers, and the lack of cargo space has rendered imported goods too expensive for some local retailers.

Supply chain shortages slow deliveries and production

Anirudh Seshadri and Timothy Kim December 7, 2021

Supply chain shortages and increasing inflation from the COVID-19 pandemic have hindered the exportation of different items, ranging from fruit syrups to computer chips, to the Bay Area and across the...

Despite its superficial glamour, a UBI is a misguided policy idea with devastating repercussions.

A universal basic income is not a utopian solution

Crystal Qian, Copy Editor March 12, 2021

At first blush, the idea of a Universal Basic Income (UBI) may seem appealing in the abstract. After all, who doesn’t want free money? The premise of a UBI is to guarantee monthly payments to every American...