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The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

Top left: Equal education rights protest at Phillips Academy in 1964. Top right: Climate strike organized by youth in Pittsburgh in 2021. Bottom left: Lynbrook students participate in reproductive rights protest in 2022. Bottom right: Student protestors at the University of Wisconsin-Madison protest the war in Vietnam in 1965.

A dive into America’s youth activism in action

Kieran Hau and Qianzi Loo October 7, 2024

What once took the form of old piles of political newspaper ads have gradually transformed into versatile digital formats, marking a new era of politics as younger voters increasingly promote their ideologies...

Protests over Gaza and Palestine have appeared in colleges across the United States, such as the University of Southern California and Columbia University.

Colleges have become a battleground for free speech

Alex Cotterel and Apurva Krishnamurthy May 20, 2024

 “We were screaming over the barricade at the police that were supposedly sent to protect the students,” Lynbrook alumna and freshman at UCLA Jasmine Lu said.   Under the darkness of night, violence...

A programmer sits, red-eyed, with dark eyebags and copious amounts of caffeine in their system as they stare at the blue light emitted from their computer screen, concluding yet another day of unpaid overtime because another company executive over-promised on a release date to shareholders.

Investigating game developers’ fight for labor rights.

Anushka Anand and Rohan Kakhandiki February 12, 2024

A programmer sits, red-eyed, with dark eyebags and copious amounts of caffeine in their system as they stare at the blue light emitted from their computer screen, concluding yet another day of unpaid overtime...

Many celebrities use activism as a way to garner popularity and maintain a good public image when they don't actually care about the issue.

The complicated truth behind #CelebrityActivism

Grace Zhu and Alyssa Wang December 11, 2023

Behind the podium of the United Nations Headquarters stands a proud ambassador of a climate change organization. She advocates for people to be more aware of their actions and how they may affect future...

Many celebrities use activism as a way to garner popularity and maintain a good public image when they don't actually care about the issue.

The complicated truth behind #CelebrityActivism

Alyssa Wang and Grace Zhu December 11, 2023

Behind the podium of the United Nations Headquarters stands a proud ambassador of a climate change organization. She advocates for people to be more aware of their actions and how they may affect future...

While listening to speakers, toddlers sitting on the ground hold signs to support Stop AAPI Hate efforts.

Community gathers to Stop AAPI Hate

Bennie Chang, Editor-in-Chief March 29, 2021

On the morning of March 27, hundreds of people gathered in front of Saratoga’s City Hall to protest the recent surge of violence and discrimination against Asian Americans in the United States.  Organized...

Despite strong political opinions, young voters are often missing from voting lines.

Young voters: How voices go unheard in politics

Elena Williams and Jason Shan October 7, 2020

It’s not that they’re not opinionated — they are — and it’s not because they refuse to engage — they do. So why is it that young voters, an increasingly distinct coalition, suffer from disappointing...

Advocacy through social media is not going to go away any time soon. By being careful to not spread misleading information, while still advocating for issues we care about, we can make social media a valuable tool to create a long lasting impact.

The rise of advocacy in social media

Elizabeth Cheng, Editor-in-Chief August 25, 2020

Advocacy on social media has played a major role in the Black Lives Matter movement, which sparked a wave of social media posts intended to inform the public through platforms such as Instagram, Twitter...

Despite the evident lack of diversity in FUHSD, recent racial justice movements have spurred community members to host town hall meetings, send letters and write resolutions to promote anti-racism and equality within the district.

FUHSD community pushes for antiracist curriculum and climate

Mei Corricello and Sruthi Medepalli August 24, 2020

With the recent rise of racial justice movements such as Black Lives Matter (BLM), FUHSD has been pushed to speak up in the anti-racism conversation. Students, teachers, administrators and community members...

BLM mini-dictionary

BLM mini-dictionary

Stella Huang, Photo Editor August 17, 2020

Graphic illustrations by Stella Huang

South Bay allies stand in solidarity with Black Lives Matter

Sunny Li, Design Editor June 9, 2020

Protests have erupted across the nation after a horrific video emerged of George Floyd’s death under the knee of a police officer in Minneapolis, in addition to several other recent instances of police...

In a lineup movie stars, the only male icon stands in the spotlight while other women are left in the shadows, symbolizing the Oscars constantly leaving out women from receiving recognition.

Moving the Oscars into the 21st century

Medha Upadhyay, Features Editor February 26, 2020

Over the years, the Oscars have emerged as one of the most prestigious award shows in the film industry. Receiving an Oscar can direct the spotlight onto an underrated director or talented actor to help...