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The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The U.S. Supreme Court has made many important decisions concerning Asian Americans, especially concerning their immigration to the U.S.

A history of anti-Asian court cases in the U.S.

Sunny Li, Design Editor April 21, 2021

Although the recent rise in violence against Asian Americans during the coronavirus pandemic has brought widespread attention to anti-Asian discrimination, Asian Americans have long been the targets of...

One form of manifestation is repeated phrase, often written in a journal like the one above.

The truth behind manifestation

Emma Cionca, Sports Editor April 21, 2021

From psychics to Ouija boards, people have always been captivated by unknown spiritual powers. Some believe in the higher power of the universe, one aspect of which is manifestation. Recently, quarantine...

Celebrate spring with pressed flowers

Celebrate spring with pressed flowers

Christy Yu, Writer April 21, 2021

Spring is here! As beautiful flowers are in bloom, this is the perfect opportunity to revive the dying art form of pressed flowers and add the perfect artistic touch to your home decorations or gifts....

Lynbrook community reacts to Anti-Asian violence

Anirudh Seshadri, Managing Editor April 21, 2021

In light of the recent rise in hate crimes against the AAPI community, Lynbrook students, staff, and community members came together in this video to react and reflect on how the surge of hate against...

I tried cooking porridge and soy sauce chow mein that restaurants serve for breakfast.

Cultural breakfast: Cooking traditional Hong Kong porridge and soy sauce chow mein

Sophie Au, Design Editor April 14, 2021

When I was younger, my family and I would visit Hong Kong every summer. One of my favorite memories is going to Hong Kong cafes  in the morning to eat freshly prepared breakfast; my family and I would...

As spring blooms into season, the days start getting longer, and nature starts becoming livelier. There are beautiful scenes, such as colorful sunsets and blooming flowers, everywhere around the neighborhoods; it only takes a second to stop and appreciate them.

Spring scenery

Stella Huang, Photo Editor March 20, 2021

Levitating the butterbeer to pull it toward me and drinking it outside the Three Broomsticks at Universal Studios, I decided to brew butterbeer with two recipes I found online.

Harry Potter recipe review: Butterbeer

Anirudh Seshadri, Managing Editor March 17, 2021

When I first saw the word “butterbeer” in the third book of the “Harry Potter” series, I expected it to be a mix of butter and beer, which sounded like an unpleasant combination. However, when...

With a swish of my wand, I levitate my treacle tart into the Great Hall of Hogwarts. Remember, it’s “LeviOsa,” not “LeviosA.”

Harry Potter recipe review: Treacle tart

Amy Liu, Editor-in-Chief March 17, 2021

Harry Potter loves treacle tart so much that he smells it in Amortentia, a powerful love potion in the wizarding world — that is some next-level fondness for a seemingly simple dessert. As “Harry Potter”...

Seeking to recreate some of the magic of Harry Potter through cooking, I tried my hand at making pumpkin pasties, which can be found on the trolley on the Hogwarts Express.

Harry Potter recipe review: Pumpkin pasties

Sunny Li, Design Editor March 17, 2021

“Anything off the trolley, dears?” And so begins Harry Potter’s introduction to the delicious world of wizarding treats. Harry buys a little bit of everything off the trolley on the Hogwarts Express,...

Masks before the pandemic

Elliu Huang, Managing Editor March 17, 2021

 Adobe Spark by Elliu Huang

From classes on Zoom to a car parade for high school graduation, much has changed in the Lynbrook community since March 13, 2020, the day Lynbrook closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Timeline of a year in remote learning

Rachel Wu, Design Editor March 13, 2021

March 13 marks one year since FUHSD announced that schools would close, and hope of returning dwindled as the school closure extended from April 3 to May 1, then to the rest of semester and rolling into...

Given the right confluence of circumstances — a good night’s sleep, a comfortable chair and a quiet environment — I could finally achieve one of my greatest goals of the past few years.

The contest that sparked a revelation and motivation

Elliu Huang, Managing Editor March 12, 2021

One of my most recent contests was hardly a contest at all. I was aiming to qualify for the next level of a math contest that I had been trying to pass since eighth grade. In previous years, I had always...