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The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

Students have guaranteed access to a laptop for the 1-to-1 device program.

FUHSD implements 1-to-1 device program for 2021-22 school year

FUHSD has implemented a 1-to-1 device program for the 2021-22 school year, through which all students will have access to personal laptops or a Chromebook provided by the district. Students who wish...

On the evening of May 27, the Class of 2021 gathered on the football field to watch the sunset as one of their Senior Night activities. (Photo by Ethan Lin.)

The sun sets on the Class of 2021’s high school journey

Lillian Fu, Design Editor June 2, 2021

Senior Night, held on May 27, wrapped up the Class of 2021’s high school experience with an opportunity for seniors to make memories in person with their classmates before graduation. Organized by the...

Lynbrook’s Class of 2021 will graduate in-person despite students being in remote learning for most of the year.

Class of 2021 will graduate in four separate ceremonies, in-person

Elizabeth Cheng, Editor-in-Chief May 26, 2021

From losing both junior and senior prom to missing their last year of Homecoming, the Class of 2021 has experienced a year and a half unlike any other. Now, seniors can finally celebrate finishing their...

On April 7, the Homecoming Highlights Reel was released after all Homecoming activities were canceled. (Graphic Illustration by Audrey Wong.)

Canceled but not forgotten: Homecoming in remote learning

Audrey Wong, Managing Editor May 26, 2021

After months of planning in hopes of having Homecoming for the 2020-21 school year, class officers scrapped plans for a virtual Homecoming because it could not replicate the in-person experience. Class...

Rei Trujillo, second from right, poses for a photo with her family. (Photo used with permission of Jamie Chan.)

The Rei Trujillo Scholarship opens for senior athletes

Anirudh Seshadri, Managing Editor May 26, 2021

“There is a bench and rock with a plaque to honor Rei at Azule Park because the park has so much sentimental value for Rei,” junior and Rei Trujillo’s sister Tammi Trujillo said. “It was there ...

 LHS AISA hosted its annual Silsilay festival via livestream this year on April 23.

LHS AISA hosts virtual Silsilay

Mei Corricello, Editor-in-Chief May 26, 2021

On April 23, Lynbrook’s American-Indo Student Association (AISA) hosted its annual South Asian cultural show, Silsilay, as a live stream on YouTube. COVID guidelines forced the usually crowded community...

With green screen magic, Studio 74 will put on a completely virtual musical of "The Little Mermaid Jr."

Diving into Studio 74’s virtual “Little Mermaid Jr.”

Amy Liu, Editor-in-Chief May 13, 2021

Lights, camera, action! Amid the pandemic, Lynbrook’s Studio 74 will put out another spectacular production, but with a virtual twist. Join the cast and crew of The Little Mermaid Jr. for a trip under...

Fulk retires as DECA adviser after 9 years

Fulk retires as DECA adviser after 9 years

Youqi Huang, Copy Editor May 7, 2021

After nine years as DECA’s adviser, computer science teacher Brad Fulk will be leaving his role as adviser next year to make time for personal endeavors, including pursuing a master's degree in educational...

Staff members worked hard to prepare the campus in accordance with public health guidelines in the weeks leading into the return to campus.

The realities and challenges of returning to campus

Stella Huang, Photo Editor April 21, 2021

Many students did not expect the opportunity to return to school for the remainder of the 2020-21 school year. After Santa Clara County dropped to the orange tier on March 23, FUHSD decided to offer a...

Lynbrook’s Science Olympiad team placed second, fourth, and eighth at the Santa Clara Regionals.

Lynbrook Science Olympiad qualifies for states for the first time since 2012

Allison Hsieh, Writer April 21, 2021

On March 6, Lynbrook’s three Science Olympiad teams attended the Santa Clara Regional Tournament virtually and finished in second, fourth and eighth place out of 36 teams. Team A qualified for the State...

Club approval and review process continues through remote learning

Club approval and review process continues through remote learning

Ria Phelan, Business/PR Manager April 21, 2021

Every year, ASB approves new club proposals and reviews its 80 existing clubs to ensure that all contribute value to the student body. Amid the pandemic, ASB has relaxed its club review policies to accommodate...

While listening to speakers, toddlers sitting on the ground hold signs to support Stop AAPI Hate efforts.

Community gathers to Stop AAPI Hate

Bennie Chang, Editor-in-Chief March 29, 2021

On the morning of March 27, hundreds of people gathered in front of Saratoga’s City Hall to protest the recent surge of violence and discrimination against Asian Americans in the United States.  Organized...