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The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

Lynbrook bathrooms were missing soap dispensers and featured graffiti and disassembled sinks.

TikTok trend motivates bathroom vandalism

Anushka Anand, Managing Editor November 9, 2021

In early September 2021, Lynbrook bathrooms were missing soap dispensers and featured graffiti and disassembled sinks. Cases like these took place almost every other day throughout the month, which is...

Campus construction plans are in effect and on track to be completed in 2023.

Campus construction on track for 2023

Neha Ayyer, In-Depth Editor November 9, 2021

Construction plans to expand and improve Lynbrook’s campus have been underway since the 2019-20 school year. The construction of new science, auditorium and classroom spaces by the 2022-23 school year...

Students decorate sugar skulls during the Spanish and Culinary Arts classes' collaboration.

Culinary and Spanish classes celebrate Day of the Dead

Deeksha Raj, Business Manager November 9, 2021

Culinary and Spanish classes celebrated the Day of the Dead by decorating calaveras, edible skulls created from sugar, led by Spanish teacher Michael Esquivel and culinary arts teacher Megan Miller. Dia...

French Honor Society programs connect students

Anirudh Seshadri, Managing Editor November 9, 2021

Lynbrook’s French Honor Society plans to establish a pen pal program that will connect students to French-speaking students from Louisiana to help each other learn about their respective cultures. Additionally,...

This is a map of traffic before and after school.

Traffic congestion before and after school

Elizabeth Cheng, Editor-in-Chief October 6, 2021

Traffic flow for student and parent drivers before and after school has changed due to Lynbrook’s 2020-21 campus construction projects. Crossing guards and other faculty help direct traffic before school,...

Juniors and seniors cheer at the
Welcome Back Rally on Aug. 27.

Homecoming hype heightens following rally rivalry

Lauren Liu, Staffer October 6, 2021

The term Homecoming is especially appropriate following students’ return to campus after more than a year of remote learning. Students are excited to display their school spirit for Lynbrook’s first...

These are a few items offered on the menu.

Lynbrook’s latest competition is lunch rush

Catherine Zhou, Design Editor October 6, 2021

The introduction of free brunch and lunch meals for the 2021-22 school year has greatly increased student interest in school lunch, resulting in a new scene when the lunch bell rings each day: a stampede...

At Lynbrook, the home of more than 80 clubs and even more rejected ones, Research Club’s fast-tracked creation was unique.

Researching the passage of Research Club

Sruthi Medepalli, Copy Editor October 6, 2021

At Lynbrook, the home of more than 80 clubs and even more rejected ones, Research Club’s fast-tracked creation was unique. The club approval process can be notoriously draining, and typically involves...

CUSD school closures impact wider community

Lina Mezerreg, Staffer October 6, 2021

For the last few years, school closures have been a constant source of debate within the CUSD community, but a final decision regarding which schools will close is closer than ever. The CUSD administration...

The Lynbrook Robotics team works hard for CalGames, an annual robotics competition.

Lynbrook Robotics revives CalGames

Emma Cionca, Sports Editor October 6, 2021

Lynbrook hosted CalGames, an annual robotics competition traditionally organized by the Western Regional Robotics Forum, after Pittsburgh High School cancelled the event due to COVID-19 related concerns....

Students who choose to participate in the independent study program remain at home while the rest of their peers attend class in-person.

FUHSD implements new independent study program

Samyukta Sarma, Lauren Liu and Audrey Sun September 4, 2021

FUHSD families received an email on July 20 introducing an option for students with COVID-19 related health concerns to participate in an independent study program for the 2021-22 school year; students...

As the summer comes to a close, many students are wondering about Lynbrook’s COVID-19 policies.

Lynbrook implements new COVID-19 policies provided by SCC

After more than a year of virtual learning, FUHSD has returned to in-person learning for the 2021-22 school year. Due to COVID-19, the district has established safety policies to prioritize student and...