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The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

Declining mental health is not a crisis affecting that only affects students, but one that teachers face as well.

Teachers endure burnout

Sam Sarma and Jason Shan May 3, 2022

In the wake of a growing mental health epidemic, FUHSD has implemented a variety of emotional support services, from Homeroom modules to the HAERT Program. However, declining mental health is not a crisis...

The global surrogacy industry is facing an unprecedented shortage of surrogate mothers.

Global crises create surrogate shortage

Tanika Anbu and Anushka Anand May 3, 2022

From the scare of new COVID-19 variants to vaccine reluctance, prospective parents and surrogate mothers have faced a variety of new issues amid the pandemic. Exacerbated even further by the recent Russian...

During Ramadan, Muslims abstain from eating and drinking from sunrise to sunset.

Ramadan helps Muslims explore religious identity and build character

Samiya Anwar and Audrey Sun May 3, 2022

Eech year, more than 1.7 billion Muslims participate in the holy month of Ramadan. During the ninth month of the lunar year, Muslims practice self-discipline and sacrifice, abstaining from eating and drinking...

The Russian invasion of Ukraine comes after a long history between the two nations.

Ukraine, explained

Myles Kim, Editor-in-Chief April 5, 2022

  When Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the 150,000 Russian troops at the Ukrainian border to move into Ukraine for a “special military operation,” it was a climax to an invasion decades...

Amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine, there has been heavy propaganda on both sides. Such actions follow historic trends of government wartime propaganda.

What the government doesn’t want you to know

Amy Liu and Catherine Zhou April 5, 2022

In a world dominated by mass media, misinformation is inseparable from daily life, hoodwinking audiences into believing everything they see. Especially during war, politicians use propaganda to promote...

Global conflicts raise the concern of nuclear warfare, which would devastate the climate and lives of countless people.

Nuclear spring: How global conflicts threaten the environment

Amishi Chandra and Lauren Liu April 5, 2022

As the Russian invasion of Ukraine escalates, concerns over Russia’s large arsenal of nuclear weapons emerged. A nuclear war would devastate the climate and permanently damage future generations. “People...

Western sanctions have devastated the Russian economy, upturning the lives of the ultra-rich oligarchs and everyday citizens alike.

All Russians affected by sanctions

Meera Nambiar and Anushka Anand April 5, 2022

As Russia continues its invasion of Ukraine, many nations have attempted to punish Russia for its actions without direct military involvement. This has been done through sanctions, by which countries place...

Although often regarded as a military superpower, America has launched several failed war campaigns in recent history, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake.

America’s failed wars

Anwen Huang, In-Depth Editor April 5, 2022

Sanctuary cities provide a safe haven to all undocumented immigrants and provide them with a comfortable living space and education without being shamed in public or deported by ICE for being undocumented.

Sanctuary cities keep undocumented immigrants protected

Anirudh Seshadri and Neha Ayyer March 8, 2022

In July 2015, 32-year-old Kate Steinle was murdered in San Francisco, allegedly by Garcia Zarate, an undocumented immigrant. Controversies about San Francisco’s sanctuary policies, which protect undocumented...

Ill-timed liberal retirements and modern Republicans' tactical use of Senate power have shaped the court's conservative skew.

Supreme Court retirements, replacements and reflections

Crystal Qian and Bennie Chang March 8, 2022

Liberal Justice Stephen Breyer announced his retirement after 27 years on the Supreme Court, granting President Joe Biden his first high court selection. With Biden nominating Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson,...

Napping is a prevalent activity that many students engage in.

Everything you’re too tired to ask about napping

Lina Mezerreg and Anushka Anand March 8, 2022

Naps get a bad rap. But for many students not sleeping well enough, napping has become an integral part of their day-to-day lives. Boosting memory, job performance, lifting moods, increasing alertness...

Characters Jett and Jinx, from the games Valorant and League of Legends, respectively, are part of video games that have recently skyrocketed in popularity.

Gaming culture: The latest updates are taking over

Samyukta Sarma and Jasmine Rihal March 8, 2022

Gaming culture has seeped into the daily lives of many students, with teenagers constantly making references to games and flocking to chatting platforms for gamers such as Discord. Even celebrities like...