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The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

Graphic Illustration by Irene Hwang.

Falling for fall desserts

Yvonne Wu and Erin Fitzpatrick December 5, 2023

For the month of October, the Epic staffers Erin Fitzpatrick and Yvonne Wu try their hand at making apple crumble. 

Graphic Illustration by Daeun Chung

College mythbusting with Mr. Roy

Riki Murase, Social Media Manager December 4, 2023

the Epic staffer Riki Murase talks about common college misconceptions with history teacher Mr. Roy. 

Graphic illustration by Chelsea Lee

Tending Freesias

Alex Cotterel, In-Depth Editor November 21, 2023

VIKING CHRONICLES —“Walking around in my garden at home and looking at my plants — it's good for the soul,” Spanish teacher Kim Revilla said. From the first Mandevilla she planted in 2004 to...

Dr. Roy Rocklin’s legacy memorialized in new science building

Chelsea Lee and Gary Pan November 19, 2023

Officially opened on Oct. 27, the new science building in honor of Dr. Roy Rocklin was introduced to the public. Construction on campus following this completion will continue with the 000s building.

Drake’s new album, “For All the Dogs,” which featured many artists, was released on Oct. 6, receiving mixed reviews from fans as they assessed its unique, and sometimes questionable choices.

Is for all the dogs really for ALL the dogs?

Vidushi Upadhyay, Design Editor November 6, 2023

When Drake’s new album, “For All the Dogs” was released on Oct. 6, fans were thrilled, after waiting an extra two weeks for the new music due to delays in the release. Featuring J Cole, Yeat, 21...

With the establishment of Bay Area Slinging Club, practice sessions occurred more regularly, and more people started joining — attracted by flyers, posts online and the sessions themselves.

The sport of slinging revived in the Bay

Sarah Zhang, Staffer November 6, 2023

A chance encounter led senior Rasul Abdullayev to get involved with the sport of slinging. Bored during his winter break and motivated by memories of playing with slingshots in his childhood, he searched...

Junior Daphne Zhu’s origins in rhythmic gymnastics sparked from her dance lessons, dating back to when she was 3 years old.

Daphne Zhu leaps through rhythmic gymnastics

Emily Pedroza, Copy Editor November 6, 2023

Junior Daphne Zhu dusts her fingers with chalk; apparati — colorful hoops, balls, clubs, ribbon and rope — are scattered around her gymnasium. As sunlight slips through Bravo Rhythmic Gymnastics’...

Lynbrook students Anna Ding and Allison Lin's crouching rabbit sculptures were both 20 inches tall, the smallest size available. They were displayed outside a restaurant in Main Street Cupertino and the Cupertino Library, respectively, before being auctioned to buyers.

Rabbit sculptures hop through community for charity with Cupertino Rotary Club

Valerie Shu, Staffer November 6, 2023

Painted with vibrant designs by local artists, colorful rabbit sculptures from the Cupertino Rotary Club’s rabbit project have found homes through auctions that succeeded in raising more than $30,000...

Diving presented Iams with numerous opportunities, and he received recruitment offers from several universities. Photos used with permission from Kenneth Iams.

Diving into AP Statistics teacher Kenneth Iams’ college years

Nicole Ge, Staffer November 6, 2023

Amid the deafening silence in the stadium, AP Statistics teacher Kenneth Iams positioned himself at the edge of the diving board. It was his turn to attempt his prepared dive: a front double with two twists....

While there are no solid plans set in stone yet, it's important for the district to look more into alternatives before making a final decision.

Editorial: District should consider alternatives to turf

Epic Staff November 6, 2023

At Lynbrook, both the stadium and Stober field are due for renewal. Among the district’s other plans for renovation, replacing turf fields with new artificial turf has raised concerns in the community...

Despite the lack of practical value of blind box collectibles, these figurines bring joy to collectors who are willing to spend money on them.

Are the blind box collectibles money draining or worth gaining?

Rohan Kakhandiki, Staffer November 6, 2023

Blind box collectibles — small figurines inside windowless boxes — have been popular among teenagers for many years. The anticipation comes from not knowing what’s inside the box while opening it....

Lynbrook students can expect modernized buildings to various programs on campus. Classrooms will be updated with newer technology and greater space. The Voyager and Robotics program will also be receiving new buildings.

Lynbrook to construct a new future with upcoming infrastructure plans

Audrey Sun, Staffer November 6, 2023

Following the completion of the new Rocklin Science Center, Lynbrook has begun the early phases of expanding other facilities across the life science, business and computer science departments. Spaces...