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The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

Under the girl boss trope, the rise of some women comes at the expense of others and leaves many separated and behind.

Girl boss stereotype: Empowering or detrimental to gender equality?

Kavya Iyer and Anwen Huang March 17, 2021

One search for the term “girl boss” online yields a plethora of cheesy quotes, decked out in cursive and bright pink, encouraging women to work hard and achieve their goals. While at first glance this...

Levitating the butterbeer to pull it toward me and drinking it outside the Three Broomsticks at Universal Studios, I decided to brew butterbeer with two recipes I found online.

Harry Potter recipe review: Butterbeer

Anirudh Seshadri, Managing Editor March 17, 2021

When I first saw the word “butterbeer” in the third book of the “Harry Potter” series, I expected it to be a mix of butter and beer, which sounded like an unpleasant combination. However, when...

With a swish of my wand, I levitate my treacle tart into the Great Hall of Hogwarts. Remember, it’s “LeviOsa,” not “LeviosA.”

Harry Potter recipe review: Treacle tart

Amy Liu, Editor-in-Chief March 17, 2021

Harry Potter loves treacle tart so much that he smells it in Amortentia, a powerful love potion in the wizarding world — that is some next-level fondness for a seemingly simple dessert. As “Harry Potter”...

While “WandaVision” is a confusing show at times, its masterfully placed easter eggs — and their greater implications for the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) — makes the show a must-watch for both avid fans and casual watchers.

“WandaVision” magics its way into our hearts

Ron Aich, Opinion Editor March 17, 2021

Nearly two months after its pilot, producer Kevin Feige’s nine-episode spectacular has come to a close. “WandaVision,” a cryptic sitcom series where nothing is as it seems, has rejuvenated the Marvel...

As thrifting, both online and in physical stores, becomes more popular, the gentrification of thrifting becomes an increasingly prevalent issue.

The unsustainable truth of thrifting

Allison Hsieh and Diana Kohr March 17, 2021

Items in high demand tend to come at ever-increasing costs that not everyone can afford. Thrift stores, which offer second-hand products at cheap prices, have become a useful alternative for individuals...

The limited drama series “The Queen's Gambit” may not seem thrilling at first glance, but within a few episodes, each move the characters make keeps viewers at the edge of their seat. 

“The Queen’s Gambit” traps us one move at a time

Ria Phelan, Business/PR Manager March 17, 2021

The limited drama series “The Queen's Gambit” may not seem thrilling at first glance, but within a few episodes, each move the characters make keeps viewers at the edge of their seat.  The story follows...

It is imperative that students be aware of staff members’ responsibility as mandated reporters for the wellbeing of themselves and their peers, in the case that they find themselves in such a harrowing situation.

What students should know about mandated reporting

Elizabeth Cheng and Katie Chen March 17, 2021

Trigger Warning: mentions of abuse, sexual harassment The Federal Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act requires professionals in all states and U.S. territories to report suspected child maltreatment,...

Surprises in store: How four students are running their own virtual stores

Jason Shan and Alara Dasdan March 17, 2021

LHS students have gotten busy this quarantine making their own online craft stores. From jewelry to plush toys, these students have created a business out of their crafting hobbies. Undeterred by the pandemic,...

Seeking to recreate some of the magic of Harry Potter through cooking, I tried my hand at making pumpkin pasties, which can be found on the trolley on the Hogwarts Express.

Harry Potter recipe review: Pumpkin pasties

Sunny Li, Design Editor March 17, 2021

“Anything off the trolley, dears?” And so begins Harry Potter’s introduction to the delicious world of wizarding treats. Harry buys a little bit of everything off the trolley on the Hogwarts Express,...

Lynbrook’s ACT program is returning to school on the week of April 19.

ACT program prepares for return to campus

Ethan Lee, Writer March 17, 2021

Lynbrook’s Academic Community Transition (ACT) program is returning to school after a challenging transition to online learning. The students who choose to return to campus in the week of April 19 can...

Iris Leung sells a wide variety of artistic stickers and postcards on her Etsy shop.

Checkin’ out the Chikiin: Iris Leung’s Etsy Shop

Jason Shan, Web Editor March 17, 2021

Chikiin, an intentional misspelling of the animal, is the humorous name of senior Iris Leung’s Etsy shop.  “There’s no specific reason why it’s spelled that way,” Leung said. “I decided...

Movies and shows that deliberately portray villains with foreign accents are harmful to children’s perception of diverse cultures.

Dear Disney, stop teaching kids that foreign accents are evil

Emma Constable, Staffer March 17, 2021

There is a rumor that cartoons directed toward children often hide a more sinister motive — brainwashing them to adopt a certain mindset or believe in certain principles so that they can be more easily...