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The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

Growing up, I’ve always tried to cover up my ethnic name.  It wasn’t until I began to appreciate and coincide with my Chinese culture that I began to embrace my name.

Embracing my ethnic name without shame

Anwen Huang, In-Depth Editor April 21, 2021

“What’s your name?” the Starbucks employee asks. “Ann,” I say, as she hastily scribbles it onto a plastic cup.  But my name isn’t Ann, it’s Anwen. Yet I find myself assuming this identity...

My family’s Andhra tiffin, a dish prominent in my childhood days, is simply irresistible. It is a breakfast platter traditionally served on a large banana leaf with a crispy crepe called dosa, thick rice cakes called idli, a spicy bottle gourd soup called sambar, any chutney and a spicy pickle of your choice.

My favorite South Indian breakfast: The Andhra tiffin

Shamita Gurusu, Business/PR Manager April 21, 2021

My family’s Andhra tiffin, a dish prominent in my childhood days, is simply irresistible. It is a breakfast platter traditionally served on a large banana leaf with a crispy crepe called dosa, thick...

Pope Francis has suddenly changed his views on LGBTQ rights this year.

Be more mindful of your words, Your Holiness

Sharlene Chen, Design Editor April 21, 2021

“God can’t bless sin.”  This is how the Vatican responded when asked if the Catholic clergy have the authority to bless same-sex marriages. When this message was announced on March 15, Catholics...

The arguments for and against gun control are more complex than they may seem at first glance.

Gun control: A loaded debate

Diana Kohr and Melissa Chen April 21, 2021

Following prominent and devastating mass shootings in Colorado and Georgia in March 2021, the problem of gun violence in the United States once again draws the public’s attention. Unfortunately, these...

Con (less gun control):

Melissa Chen, Writer April 21, 2021

It is difficult to debate gun laws without touching on the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, which states that: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the...

While the model minority myth highlights the academically and financially successful side of Asian Americans, it casts a shadow on the less successful side of the spectrum that is felt by all minorities.

Model minority: The stigma around the success

Amy Liu and Sruthi Medepalli April 21, 2021

Hardworking, smart and obedient. The picture that enters the mind of an average American upon hearing the word “Asian” has changed throughout history, ultimately creating many stereotypes against Asian...

Pro (more gun control)

Diana Kohr, Web Editor April 21, 2021

Virginia Tech. Sandy Hook. Marjory Stoneman Douglas. Schools made infamous as the sites of tragic school shootings. Spurred by these incidents, questions linger in the minds of teachers, parents and students...

The U.S. Supreme Court has made many important decisions concerning Asian Americans, especially concerning their immigration to the U.S.

A history of anti-Asian court cases in the U.S.

Sunny Li, Design Editor April 21, 2021

Although the recent rise in violence against Asian Americans during the coronavirus pandemic has brought widespread attention to anti-Asian discrimination, Asian Americans have long been the targets of...

Lynbrook’s Science Olympiad team placed second, fourth, and eighth at the Santa Clara Regionals.

Lynbrook Science Olympiad qualifies for states for the first time since 2012

Allison Hsieh, Writer April 21, 2021

On March 6, Lynbrook’s three Science Olympiad teams attended the Santa Clara Regional Tournament virtually and finished in second, fourth and eighth place out of 36 teams. Team A qualified for the State...

One form of manifestation is repeated phrase, often written in a journal like the one above.

The truth behind manifestation

Emma Cionca, Sports Editor April 21, 2021

From psychics to Ouija boards, people have always been captivated by unknown spiritual powers. Some believe in the higher power of the universe, one aspect of which is manifestation. Recently, quarantine...

Celebrate spring with pressed flowers

Celebrate spring with pressed flowers

Christy Yu, Writer April 21, 2021

Spring is here! As beautiful flowers are in bloom, this is the perfect opportunity to revive the dying art form of pressed flowers and add the perfect artistic touch to your home decorations or gifts....

Ronald Sit pursues his interests in art and film throughout high school.

Down the rabbit hole: Ronald Sit’s pursuits in art and film

Lillian Fu, Design Editor April 21, 2021

Whether it be inking an original piece or directing a scene, junior Ronald Sit’s high school experience is defined by his creative explorations. As a young artist, Sit runs an art Instagram account where...