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The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

On April 7, the Homecoming Highlights Reel was released after all Homecoming activities were canceled. (Graphic Illustration by Audrey Wong.)

Canceled but not forgotten: Homecoming in remote learning

Audrey Wong, Managing Editor May 26, 2021

After months of planning in hopes of having Homecoming for the 2020-21 school year, class officers scrapped plans for a virtual Homecoming because it could not replicate the in-person experience. Class...

From classes on Zoom to a car parade for high school graduation, much has changed in the Lynbrook community since March 13, 2020, the day Lynbrook closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Timeline of a year in remote learning

Rachel Wu, Design Editor March 13, 2021

March 13 marks one year since FUHSD announced that schools would close, and hope of returning dwindled as the school closure extended from April 3 to May 1, then to the rest of semester and rolling into...

Due to remote learning, teachers' workspaces have changed from classrooms to their desks at home. Take a look at the home workspaces of multiple Lynbrook teachers.

Teachers’ remote learning desk setups

Stella Huang, Photo Editor February 17, 2021

Editorial: Commending FUHSD’s decision on remote learning

Epic Staff November 4, 2020

While adjusting to a virtual classroom, students and teachers alike have faced challenges during remote learning. Students have had less engagement with peers, while teachers have had to support students...

Students are swamped on Wednesdays with homework, extracurricular activities and club meetings.

Editorial: Guidelines on Wednesdays, deadlines, class time necessary for remote learning

Epic Staff October 7, 2020

Students and teachers alike have struggled to adapt to remote learning. To support students, a school-wide set of guidelines to clarify the expectations of Wednesday asynchronous time would help students,...

All teachers and students must remember that the challenges they face are not all that different and that patience for each other is essential during this time.

Remote learning tests student and teacher patience

Diana Kohr and Elizabeth Park October 7, 2020

Bloodshot, bleary eyes. Screaming children in the background.  Faulty internet and bandwidth overloads. Mountains of homework. Mountains of work to grade. Patience levels tested to the verge...

Club Info Week will be held online this year from Sept. 8-11.

Club Info Week emerges as clubs face changes in the virtual scene

Elliu Huang and Christy Yu August 26, 2020

Clubs are an integral part of a student’s high school experience, but with the campus still closed and teachers switching to online learning, ASB’s Community Link (CLink) Commission has developed a...

Apart from their assistant principal responsibilities, Rosado and Rocha both enjoy personal hobbies, some of which they picked up during quarantine.

Lynbrook welcomes Susan Rocha and Jeff Rosado as new assistant principals

Diana Kohr and Amy Liu August 25, 2020

With the beginning of the school year in full swing, many changes have occurred, both related and unrelated to the pandemic. School has shifted to online learning, class schedules have been altered and...

Making the difficult transition into high school through a virtual learning environment is an unprecedented challenge for the class of 2024.

The class of 2024 logs in to Lynbrook

Emma Constable and Anwen Huang August 17, 2020

For the class of 2024, their entrance into high school will be like never before. Without traditional events that foster widespread school spirit and connections among classes, Lynbrook administrators,...

Lynbrook ACT program adapts to remote learning

Anusha Kothari, Editor-in-Chief June 1, 2020

Baking dog biscuits at the district office, emptying recycling bins on campus and counting money for practice are just a few of the activities that Lynbrook Academic Community Transition (ACT) students...

Zoom-bombing is now a significant disruption to online learning.

Zoom intruders raise security concerns

Claire Chiu, Writer May 27, 2020

With the coronavirus pandemic causing disruptions to daily life across the U.S., schools have moved toward online learning. Zoom, a video conference website, quickly became an essential resource for holding...

Despite the difficulties of teaching online, teachers now have more time to spend with their family.

Teaching from home: a new reality for teachers

Diana Kohr and Pranav Mishra May 27, 2020

For centuries, the traditional classroom has remained virtually unchanged: desks and chairs, pens and notebooks, teachers and students. The onslaught of the COVID-19 pandemic, however, has radically changed...