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The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

COVID-19 podcast: Indesign final episode

COVID-19 podcast: Indesign final episode

Audrey Wong, Managing Editor May 30, 2020

In the final episode of the Indesign series, we interviewed designer Catherine Li, who shares her experience with designing for the models and being backstage. Check out the other...

COVID-19 podcast: Indesign episode 2

COVID-19 podcast: Indesign episode 2

Kaylin Li, Web Editor May 30, 2020

In this episode, we interview Indesign model Rishima Tewari. She describes what it's like being a model and what it's like now that the Indesign fashion show has been canceled. Check...

COVID-19 podcast: Indesign episode 1

COVID-19 podcast: Indesign episode 1

Audrey Wong, Managing Editor May 30, 2020

In this episode, we interviewed the president of Indesign club, Elise Jang. She shares what it's like to plan the show and what Indesign's current plans are. Check out the other...

End of 2019-2020 school year highlights

Audrey Wong, Managing Editor May 29, 2020

Relive the 2010s with our decade package!

2010s decade recap

February 24, 2020

Remember when TikTok was spelled TiK ToK and it was a song by Ke$ha? Or when you watched six-second videos on Vine and not YouTube? Or when the idea of a hashtag starting a social movement sounded revolutionary?...

Music through the decade

Music through the decade

Teresa Arisawa, Writer February 24, 2020

People have marched for change for a variety of causes this decade.

Social movements through the decade

Rachel Wu, Design Editor February 24, 2020

Trends through the decade

Trends through the decade

Katie Chen, Content Editor February 24, 2020

Homecoming Highlights 19-20

Homecoming Highlights 19-20

December 9, 2019

Oct. 25 marked the end of Homecoming. Here are some highlights from this year.