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The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

Among professional athletes, injuries are considered to be one of the main deciding factors of the longevity and quality of their careers.

The detrimental impacts of injuries on the mind and body

Grace Zhu and Vidushi Upadhyay November 6, 2023

While many athletes experience injuries during their athletic careers and most of these situations result in a speedy recovery, if certain precautions are not taken, athletes can be prone to suffering...

Every sport has different criteria for what constitutes the ideal body image — each shaped by the unique demands of the particular sport. However, the constant pursuit by athletes to achieve the ideal body image may lead to more challenges than advantages.

The mental and physical toll of body idealization on athletes

Ashley Huang and Crystal Zhu November 6, 2023

This story contains references to content that may be difficult for those who have experienced body dysmorphia or are sensitive to topics concerning body image or eating disorders. In the dim lights...

Since becoming a professional in 2003, Novak Djokovic has made his mark in the tennis world.

Lynbrook’s views on the tennis legend Novak Djokovic

Lilly Wu, Managing Editor October 10, 2023

“I want the same thing I've wanted since I was 7 years old,” professional tennis player Novak Djokovic said in an interview with New York Times in 2007. “I want to be No. 1.” Since becoming...

The most crucial electrolytes for main bodily functions in sport drinks are sodium, calcium, potassium, chloride, phosphate, bicarbonate and magnesium.

Electrolytes: Hydrating the dehydrated?

Qianzi Loo and Vihaan Patel October 10, 2023

The familiar, unwanted aches during an intense game can be an athlete’s worst nightmare. As Gatorade described in a 2023 comedic advertisement with basketball player Damian Lillard, it is as if athletes...

Coming back from the COVID-19 pandemic, cheer is rebuilding bonds among themselves and the crowd.

Cheer bounces back after the pandemic

Alexandra Wu, Staffer October 10, 2023

“Ready, One, Two!”  Coming back from the COVID-19 pandemic, cheer is rebuilding bonds: among themselves and the crowd and most importantly,  among each other. Motivated by their newly set goals,...

Having traveled the world to play soccer throughout high school, junior Preston Kao is a self-motivated and talented student athlete. Photo used with permission from Preston Kao.

Junior Preston Kao kicks his soccer journey up a notch

Eileen Zhu, Design Editor October 10, 2023

Having traveled the world to play soccer throughout high school, junior Preston Kao is a self-motivated and talented model student athlete. He started playing soccer recreationally when he was just 8 years...

The JV girls tennis team is still looking for a coach. Norman Tsai has taken on the role of coaching both the JV and varsity girl's tennis teams.

District solutions to coach shortage fall short

Yvonne Wu and Olivia Yuan October 10, 2023

Scant on-campus coaches, slim hiring windows and scarce external outreach: these are only a few of the many factors contributing to the ongoing district-wide shortage of available coaches. As a result...

Typically, Badger’s week consists of three two-hour practices and two one-hour training sessions. Tournaments occur one to three times a month, in which they take up whole weekends at a time.

Madison Badger commits to University of Puget Sound for volleyball

Maple Leung, Staffer June 2, 2023

Junior Madison Badger began playing volleyball in the sixth grade. Badger recently committed to the University of Puget Sound to continue her volleyball career. Although still only a junior, Badger is...

When Liou began her freshman year, a friend of hers convinced her to begin. She had already been a swimmer during middle school, and learned that swimming helps with water polo.

Annika Liou commits to Chapman University for water polo

Maple Leung, Staffer June 2, 2023

As a child, senior Annika Liou was surrounded by water. After dedicating over four years to water polo, Liou committed to Chapman University to continue her water polo career. Since beginning the sport...

Training with numerous coaches throughout the years, Zhang has come to appreciate how each coach provides a new perspective on how to approach swimming, and all similarly push him to try his best.

Tianyou Zhang commits to Carnegie Mellon University for swim

Chelsea Lee, Design Editor June 2, 2023

Senior Tianyou Zhang will be swimming off to Carnegie Mellon University in the fall as a recruited breaststroker and pursue Electrical and Computer Engineering. In the 100-yard breaststroke, one of his...

Taylor sees track as both a team sport and individual sport, with a blend between attributes including self-control and being at his best for both him and his teammates.

Evan Taylor commits to Virginia Tech for track and field

Eileen Zhu, Design Editor June 2, 2023

Senior Evan Taylor committed to Virginia Tech to continue his track and field career. He initially joined track and field in sixth grade at Miller Middle School without any prior experience. Although he...