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The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

A double take on summer's greatest movies

A double take on summer’s greatest movies

Arul Gnanasivam, Photo Editor September 28, 2017

From a big budget war film to the first female led superhero movie in recent years, this summer featured a diverse lineup of movies. With an average Rotten Tomato score of 93 percent and a total gross...

TV shows undermine the gravity of politics

TV shows undermine the gravity of politics

Hatim Saifee, Web Editor September 28, 2017

Picture this: it’s 1 a.m. and you’re cuddling in your blanket with a bag of chips, watching “American Horror Story” on your laptop with the lights dimmed. Your eyes are glued to the screen, expecting...

Rollins takes over Cohen's drama department

Rollins takes over Cohen’s drama department

Michelle Zemlyak, Writer September 28, 2017

In place of a classroom stands a stage with rows of chairs. In place of written exercises, students play improv games and instead of essays are skits. The unique classroom cultivates a close-knit community...

Sibling athletes work their way to the top together

Patricia Wei, Web Director September 28, 2017

Siblings who grow up together often share fond memories with each other, and these memories are found in sports for many Lynbrook students. For these siblings, sharing the field or court has brought them...

Misunderstanding new fashion trends

Misunderstanding new fashion trends

Michyla Lin, Design Editor September 28, 2017

At the beginning of this school year, the reality that my final 180 days of youth were coming to an end began to dawn on me like a blue whale eclipsing the sun. In a metaphorical sense, I will be booted...

Valks dance their hearts out at Spring Show

Valks dance their hearts out at Spring Show

Mehek Kapur, Writer May 25, 2017

A group of passionately dancing girls run through their routine with fluid motions and smiles across their faces, dancing their hearts out to loud pulsing music in the Cove. All year long, the Valkyries...

Jojo Chen opens Ineffable Muse store

Jojo Chen opens Ineffable Muse store

Kelsey Lu, Business/PR Manager May 25, 2017

Colorful bath bombs and aesthetic jewelry are a few of the many items sophomore Jojo Chen sells on her online store, Ineffable Muse. In April 2017, Chen expanded the range of products on Ineffable Muse...

Nichols gives guidance to freshmen in her PE class.

Nichols honored with Athletic Director Award

Jessica Luo, Editor-in-chief May 25, 2017

On April 27, P.E. teacher and P.E. department chair Linda Nichols was honored with the Retiring Athletic Director Award by the Central Coast Section (CCS) Athletic Directors Association for her years of...

FUHSD English Learner Speech Contest celebrates 10 years

Jessica Li, Content Editor May 25, 2017

On May 11, Fremont High School hosted the tenth annual English Learner (EL) Speech Contest, which is aimed toward helping English Language Development (ELD) students improve their language and oratory...

Analyzing the theory of social facilitation

Analyzing the theory of social facilitation

Noela Bae and Srinidhi Seshadri May 25, 2017

Making his way onto the podium, the first candidate for the class president position clears his throat and looks across the room with hundreds of pairs of eyes staring right back at him. He has been preparing...

Protestors advocate for fact-based evidence

Hsinyen Huang, Managing Editor May 25, 2017

On April 22, also known as Earth Day, thousands of concerned American citizens, disturbed by the Trump administration’s effortless dismissal of scientific research and fact-based evidence, gathered in...

New Airbnb regulations curb racial discrimination

Divya Nelakonda, News Editor May 25, 2017

On April 19, following numerous complaints of racial discrimination influencing rental denial for over a year, Airbnb signed an agreement with the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH),...