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  • March 6“Meet Your Adolescent’s Brain” webinar
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The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

Arul Gnanasivam, Photo Editor December 7, 2017

Thousands of students across California rejoiced as Governor Jerry Brown passed a bill granting one year of free community college courses to all students. Announced on Oct. 14, this new measure aims to...

Zara pockets workers’ wages

Michelle Lum, Editor in Chief December 7, 2017

This summer, as I browsed countless stores with my sister in search of the perfect dress or jacket, I never once paid attention to how those garments had ended up in my hands. While I mindlessly pushed...


Michyla Lin, Design Editor December 7, 2017

Winter break is the time mid-school year when many lurk at home under their covers, enviously tapping through social media, looking at their friends’ photos of their various vacation destinations. I...

SELPA Fall Festival brings joy to ACT students

SELPA Fall Festival brings joy to ACT students

Justine Chen, Editor-in-Chief December 7, 2017

A large crowd of 200 people cheering and dancing fills the fieldhouse. Loud, fast music pumps throughout the room and the energy is high. Others sit in the corners of the room, chatting with each other,...

Violence sparks at Great America

Patricia Wei, Web Director December 7, 2017

It was midnight at Great America’s Halloween Haunt on Saturday, Oct. 28. As seniors Ashley Kim, Chloe Kim and Evalina Xu were preparing to exit the amusement park, they saw helicopters with searchlights...

Weinstein effect exposes dark secrets

Weinstein effect exposes dark secrets

Medha Upadhyay and Belinda Zhou December 7, 2017

Sexual assault scandals like the one regarding renowned film producer Harvey Weinstein are continuing to surface, empowering many victims to come forward with personal stories of sexual abuse or misconduct...

Predicaments of overlooked immigrants

Patricia Wei, Web Director November 2, 2017

Ten years ago, Lynbrook alumna Alie Wu arrived in America at the age of seven. Her parents carried E-2 work visas, invaluable skills and the dream of providing a strong future for their family. She quickly...

A look at unique student jobs

Diana Xu, Managing Editor November 2, 2017

Austin Wang My favorite part of my job is when my boss hands me my paycheck every two weeks and I think about all the food I can buy with my own money. I chose to work at QQQ because I used to...

Pence's drama demeans protests

Pence’s drama demeans protests

Medha Upadhyay, Features Editor November 2, 2017

Vice President Mike Pence turned heads on Oct. 8 when he walked out of a football game between the Indianapolis Colts and San Francisco 49ers after members of the 49ers team knelt for the National Anthem....

How to dress up a simple closet for success

How to dress up a simple closet for success

Clara Fernandes, Writer November 2, 2017

If you find yourself frantically digging through your closet and spending precious sleeping time finding something decent to wear in the mornings, it is probably time for you to organize your closet! If...

Working out different training methods: Weights or Cardio

Working out different training methods: Weights or Cardio

Chloe Lee, Art Editor November 2, 2017

At any gym, athletes are hard at work, utilizing a variety of exercise machines. Some athletes are running and climbing stairs on treadmills, while others are lifting heavy weights with sweat beads rolling...

Unmasking the realities of the Tinkerbell Effect

Unmasking the realities of the Tinkerbell Effect

Nicole Ong and Sadhana Sarma November 2, 2017

Tinkerbell’s light gradually dims as she begins to die. Her only hope of survival is the applause of an audience who believes in fairies. With each clap, Tinkerbell flickers back to life. Placing an...