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The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

Arul Gnanasivam, Photo Editor December 7, 2017

Thousands of students across California rejoiced as Governor Jerry Brown passed a bill granting one year of free community college courses to all students. Announced on Oct. 14, this new measure aims to...

SELPA Fall Festival brings joy to ACT students

SELPA Fall Festival brings joy to ACT students

Justine Chen, Editor-in-Chief December 7, 2017

A large crowd of 200 people cheering and dancing fills the fieldhouse. Loud, fast music pumps throughout the room and the energy is high. Others sit in the corners of the room, chatting with each other,...

Violence sparks at Great America

Patricia Wei, Web Director December 7, 2017

It was midnight at Great America’s Halloween Haunt on Saturday, Oct. 28. As seniors Ashley Kim, Chloe Kim and Evalina Xu were preparing to exit the amusement park, they saw helicopters with searchlights...

Marching Band places second at season-end competition

Marching Band places second at season-end competition

Risa Mori, In-Depth Editor November 30, 2017

As students stood still in their positions at the Bands of America (BOA) regional competition awaiting the drum major’s cue, the audience held their breath as they anticipated the performance to come....

California officially recognizes non-binary as the third gender

California officially recognizes non-binary as the third gender

Hatim Saifee, Web Editor November 29, 2017

California achieved a historic feat by becoming one of the first states to offer the option to match legal documents to people’s identity, whether male, female or nonbinary. SB-179, otherwise known as...

LIMB celebrates art through Holiday Craft Faire

LIMB celebrates art through Holiday Craft Faire

Sadhana Sarma, Design Editor November 25, 2017

The Lynbrook Instrumental Music Boosters (LIMB) hosted their annual Holiday Craft Faire on Nov. 18, attracting people from the community to come purchase various crafts and support the school's band. Read...

Students shine at Valkyries Winter Show

Students shine at Valkyries Winter Show

Srinidhi Seshadri, Web Editor November 23, 2017

The Valkyries Winter Show was held on Nov. 11, 2017. There were multiple energetic dances by Lynbrook's dance team, the Valkyries, along with a variety of guest performances.  

Science department implements next generation standards

Science department implements next generation standards

Justine Chen, Editor-in-Chief November 21, 2017

In September 2013, California’s State Board of Education (SBE) adopted the Next Generation Science Standards for California Public Schools, Kindergarten through Grade Twelve (CA NGSS). The new regulations...

Hugs and Performances: ASB holds Kindness Week

Hugs and Performances: ASB holds Kindness Week

Nicole Ong, Editors-in-Chief November 21, 2017

While simple acts of kindness may go lost between the daily stress of schoolwork, Kindness Week, an annual, week-long event organized by ASB Recognition, aims to promote kindness through various activities....

Lynbrook community celebrates Dandiya Raas

Lynbrook community celebrates Dandiya Raas

Justine Chen, Editor-in-Chief November 4, 2017

Picture a group of 50 to 60 people cheering and laughing, freely spinning and dancing. The sound of short wooden sticks knocking together echo as people exchange partners and rotate in a circle. Children...

By Bjorgialt (Own work), via Wikimedia Commons

Wildfires blaze through Northern California

Arul Gnanasivam, Photo Editor November 2, 2017

Black and orange. Colors that used to represent  a local baseball team have begun to represent death and destruction in recent weeks. As some of California’s greatest wildfires rage on, all that was...