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The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

On March 21, students held a virtual junior prom using Zoom. Junior Amy Sun came up with the idea since junior prom was cancelled.

COVID-19 causes the cancellation of junior prom

Audrey Wong, Managing Editor March 14, 2020

Considered one of high school’s most important milestones, Junior Prom is a highly anticipated event among Lynbrook students. The Class of 2021 was set to have their Junior Prom on March 21, with many...

After the Sports Analytics and Creative Game Design clubs were disbanded last year under the new ASB club policy, members worked throughout the school year to restructure and repitch their respective clubs.

Disbanded clubs reinstated after changes

Renee Ge, In-Depth Editor February 26, 2020

On Jan. 14, the Legislative Council passed Sports Analytics and Creative Game Design Club. After the clubs were disbanded last year under the new ASB club policy, members worked throughout the school year...

Lynbrook Science Bowl team members and the Science Bowl logo

Science Bowl Team bonds over challenging competitions

Sharlene Chen, Design Editor February 26, 2020

Lynbrook’s Science Bowl Team competed at a regional competition on Feb. 8; the team made it past the first round, but did not pass the double-elimination rounds, failing to qualify for the National Science...

In total, Lynbrook competitors received one Best Delegate award, three Outstanding Delegate awards, one Honorable Mention award, two Verbal Commendation awards and four Best Research awards at the Santa Clara Valley MUN Conference.

LHS Model UN models success at SCVMUN conference

Jasmine Hou, Writer February 26, 2020

On Jan. 31 and Feb. 1, Lynbrook Model United Nations (MUN) competed at the Santa Clara Valley MUN (SCVMUN) Conference at Santa Teresa High School, earning success at one of the club’s most popular conferences...

In accordance with the California Voter’s Choice Act (VCA) that was passed in 2016, Santa Clara County (SCC) is making efforts to ease the voting process, diversify voter demographics and increase participation. 

In-state election policy changes

Dhriti Iyer, News Editor February 26, 2020

With the primary elections quickly approaching, California has made several efforts to increase voter participation by modernizing the election process. In accordance with the California Voter’s Choice...

Lynbrook DECA expects about a 200 member drop after implementing their concurrent CTE enrollment policy next year.

DECA to require concurrent CTE enrollment

Elena Williams, Editor-in-Chief February 26, 2020

The business of joining Lynbrook’s largest business club has just gotten harder. Starting next school year, DECA will require that all competing members be concurrently enrolled in a Career Technical...

The Brain and Brawn competition involved three events: Connect Four, arm wrestling and tug-of-war. 

Brain and Brawn showcases students’ varied strengths

Ethan Lee, Writer February 26, 2020

Brain and Brawn was a strenuous competition that tested both participants' physical and mental skills. Hosted by Lynbrook's Athletics Unlimited Club, the tournament took place during lunches in the quad...

This box contains all the materials needed to practice suturing, in which surgeons carefully sew up a wound.

Neuroscience and Pre-medicine club host medical circuit

Kaylin Li, Web Editor February 7, 2020

On Feb. 7, Pre-medicine club and Neuroscience club partnered to bring a medical circuit activity to its club members, which consisted of several stations mimicking medical procedures. The stations included...

This year, 13 Lynbrook DECA members qualified for ICDC through Virtual Business Challenge (VBC), an all-time high for Lynbrook and the most qualifiers out of any school in DECA’s western region.

Competitive students qualify for ICDC

Claire Chiu, Writer January 29, 2020

 Every year, a handful of Lynbrook DECA members qualify for the international DECA conference (ICDC), which draws more than 21,000 attendees from around the globe. This year, 13 Lynbrook DECA members...

Juniors Pranav Chittharanjan and Nivi
Madhan are members of Saratoga’s Youth Commission.

Saratoga teen commission leaders serve city and youth

Youqi Huang, Copy Editor January 29, 2020

Juniors Pranav Chittharanjan and Nivi Madhan are members of Saratoga’s Youth Commission, serving as the liaison between Saratoga’s youth and City Council. The commission also organizes activities for...

Photo and graphic of an example house blueprint

Changes in ADU laws help provide affordable housing

Shamita Gurusu, Business/PR Manager January 29, 2020

West San Jose holds the title of being one of the most expensive areas in the nation. With the current average house price standing at roughly $1.5 million and peaking at $1.6 million in 2019, the housing...

Graphic of different grading platforms Lynbrook has used before displayed on a variety of devices.

Lynbrook switches to Schoology

Pranav Mishra, Writer January 29, 2020

Many Vikings have bookmarked on their laptops, navigating to it as the go-to student portal at Lynbrook. However, there have been changes in the past couple of months, with the...