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The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

Top left: Members of the boys water polo team wear dress shirts and ties.
Top right: Lynbrook's cheer team shows off awards.
Bottom left: The girls volleyball team gather together in a huddle on the court.
Bottom right: Football players gather together on the field for a chant.
Photos used with permission by respective teams and taken by the Epic Staff.

Fall sport teams share their unique traditions

Anushka Deshmukh, Staffer October 7, 2024

Whether they’re running onto the field or diving into the pool, Lynbrook athletes have always prided themselves on their team traditions. Chants and inside jokes help create the unique personality of...

New California laws that affect students

Erin Fitzpatrick, Staffer October 7, 2024

What you need to know:  New laws effective in California in brief How will these laws affect the people and students of California? Note when these laws will go into effect and how California...

According to Search Institute’s Developmental Relationships framework, relationships that benefit youth demonstrate these characteristics. A. Express care, B. Challenge growth, C. Provide support, D. Expand possibilities and E. Share power.

FUHSD-YMCA workshops help parents, teens navigate relationships

Meadow Shen, Web Editor October 7, 2024

What you need to know: FUHSD and Project Cornerstone are offering free workshops to help parents strengthen relationships with their teens. The workshops provide valuable resources without...

Epic staffers trying new sports: Field Hockey & Water Polo

Epic staffers trying new sports: Field Hockey & Water Polo

Robert Yu and Rohan Kakhandiki November 19, 2023

Epic staffers Rohan Kakhandiki and Robert Yu try out new sports with the help of the girls varsity field hockey and boys varsity water polo teams, learning everything from basic techniques to scoring.

Horror across the globe: Pari

Horror across the globe: Pari

Deeksha Raj and Vidushi Upadhyay October 10, 2023

 With Halloween creeping up, horror movies are all the rage. Watching classic horror movies like  “Scream,” “Insidious” or “It” is a staple of the impending spooky season. The horror...

Lynbrook’s first ever Moon Festival celebration

Lynbrook’s first ever Moon Festival celebration

Ashley Huang and Chelsea Lee October 10, 2023

Visiting Lynbrook’s first ever school-wide Moon Festival celebration organized by ASB on Sept. 29.

Since becoming a professional in 2003, Novak Djokovic has made his mark in the tennis world.

Lynbrook’s views on the tennis legend Novak Djokovic

Lilly Wu, Managing Editor October 10, 2023

“I want the same thing I've wanted since I was 7 years old,” professional tennis player Novak Djokovic said in an interview with New York Times in 2007. “I want to be No. 1.” Since becoming...

The social expectation of a "nuclear family" assumes the woman the burden of carrying most of the family burden on top of their career ambitions.

Nuclear family: An outdated social construct

Emily Pedroza and Taek Kim October 10, 2023

The nuclear family, a term coined by anthropologist and ethnologist Bronisław Malinowski in 1949 and popularized during the Cold War, is regarded as the quintessential form of family structure by sociologists,...

Bike-riding and bike repairs is a large focus of Signore's channel. Used with permission from Luca Signore.

Speedy Garage: Signore’s journey from History to Biking

Claire Guo, Features Editor October 10, 2023

One sunny afternoon in September 2021, history teacher Luca Signore stumbled upon an interesting bike. Little did he know, this bike would later become the very object that would make his youtube channel,...

The BART's new trains have replaced their old fleets of Legacy trains.

BART: The Bay’s Aging Railway Transit

Meadow Shen and Vidushi Upadhyay October 10, 2023

Recent debate over budget proposals to fund The Bay Area Rapid Transit system and to replace legacy trains with new cars have turned public attention back onto this transportation network. Considering...

The most crucial electrolytes for main bodily functions in sport drinks are sodium, calcium, potassium, chloride, phosphate, bicarbonate and magnesium.

Electrolytes: Hydrating the dehydrated?

Qianzi Loo and Vihaan Patel October 10, 2023

The familiar, unwanted aches during an intense game can be an athlete’s worst nightmare. As Gatorade described in a 2023 comedic advertisement with basketball player Damian Lillard, it is as if athletes...

While a common symbol associated with autism is the puzzle piece, the community has widely shunned  the symbol because of the negative connotations associated with it. The symbol of the butterfly quickly replaced the puzzle piece, representing change and acceptance. It also symbolizes how the autistic community leads fulfilled  lives. Furthermore, the rainbow butterfly is also associated with ADHD, derived from the neurodivergent rainbow infinity. The rainbow infinity symbol advocates for the diversity of human brains as shown through the spectrum of colors with infinite variations and possibilities.

Navigating Lynbrook’s neurodiversity

Daeun Chung and Alyssa Wang October 10, 2023

Neurodiversity encompasses the variation in neurological traits among humans — from thinking and learning to behavior — when interacting with the world. The term is often used to describe individuals...