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The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

Without the addition of mandatory pre-K to TK, young children miss out on the developmental stage of fostering relationships, develop important social skills and improve executive functioning.

Universal pre-K encourages equitable education opportunities

Charlotte Bolay and Irene Hwang October 10, 2023

The Universal Pre-Kindergarten program guaranteeing access to public transitional kindergarten in California will take effect by the 2025-26 school year, providing free TK and improving the quality of...

Mak and Lim in front of their booth proudly displaying their creations. Used with permission from Zoey Lim

Baking the Community a Better Place

Gary Pan, Staffer October 10, 2023

After struggling to get their new business Peppermint and Zo off the ground, juniors Sophie Mak and Zoey Lim were disappointed by their initial lack of success. In their efforts to find an answer for the...

Remembering David Herz, and his impact on special education students. Used with permission from Kelly Herz

In memory of Dave Herz, Academic Community Transition Teacher

Surya Saraf and Katie Chin October 10, 2023

The Lynbrook community warmly remembers Academic Community Transition Teacher David Herz, a loving husband, father and role model for Special Education students. Herz passed away unexpectedly on July 1...

Students on the 2023 France and Spain trip pose in front of the Sagrada Familia cathedral, a notable work of Antoni Gaudí, an artist the students learned about on the trip. Photo used with permission from Charlotte Kruk.

2024 Lynbrook summer trip to Europe canceled

Grace Zhu, Staffer October 10, 2023

The 12-day Grecian Odyssey Trip, originally set for June 2024 and organized through Education First Tours, a well known for profit educational travel company, was canceled due to unforeseen policy violations...

Students can be seen holding this bathroom pass signal their exit from class to go to the restroom. As the image of the clock suggests, bathroom breaks are now limited to five minutes .

Lynbrook implements new bathroom pass system

Nicole Ge, Staffer October 10, 2023

To improve student safety and discourage meetups with friends during class time, the Lynbrook administration proposed a more structured bathroom pass system for the 2023-24 school year. The new system...

Students sit eagerly and learn from Chu's dynamic martial arts skills

Joshua Chu implements martial arts into Lynbrook’s drama classes

Amanda Jin, Sports Editor October 10, 2023

Picture this: one student's fist narrowly misses the face of another, who lifts their arm to block the blow. The exhilarating demonstration wows the drama students who fill the room, watching the scene...

Coming back from the COVID-19 pandemic, cheer is rebuilding bonds among themselves and the crowd.

Cheer bounces back after the pandemic

Alexandra Wu, Staffer October 10, 2023

“Ready, One, Two!”  Coming back from the COVID-19 pandemic, cheer is rebuilding bonds: among themselves and the crowd and most importantly,  among each other. Motivated by their newly set goals,...

Companies are constantly innovating new environmentally-friendly products, which distracts people from the actual problem of climate change.

The hidden faults behind our efforts to “go green”

Erin Fitzpatrick, Staffer October 10, 2023

Innovators are constantly pushing out new green technology with promises of reducing carbon footprint. But when trying to reach net-zero carbon emissions, small actions won’t make the cut. With threats...

Many students and teachers are unaware of where the animals they use in dissection labs actually come from.

Dissecting the dark truth behind dissection labs

David Zhu, Opinion Editor October 10, 2023

Every year, millions of preserved specimens ranging from frogs to cats are brought into science classrooms for students to learn more about animal anatomy. However, behind all the eager faces of teachers...

Sexual assault survivors can often feel invisible in the midst of everyone else's lives.

Confronting the silence surrounding sexual assault

Anushka Anand, Managing Editor October 10, 2023

This story contains references to content that may be difficult for those who have experienced trauma or are sensitive to topics concerning sexual violence and assault. *Names changed for privacy In...

|Used with Permission from the Cupertino Union School District|

Students in a CUSD transitional kindergarten classroom learning about the alphabet. Since the 2022-23 school year, expanded access has allowed a greater number of students across the district to attend TK.

A look into California’s transition to Universal Pre-Kindergarten

Myles Kim, Editor-in-Chief October 10, 2023

California is in the midst of transitioning to Universal pre-K after a new law took effect in 2021 Bay Area school districts have been expanding transitional kindergarten access since the 2022-23...

Above is a geographic depiction of the entire FUHSD district. As part of the
new By-Trustee Area format, election boundaries will be drawn within the
map and sectioned into five separate and contiguous subdivisions, allotting
each to a representative from the area. Photo used with permission by Rosa Kim

Revised election boundaries to reshape the future of FUHSD Board

Apurva Krishnamurthy, News Editor October 10, 2023

The California Voting Rights Act of 2001 restricts the use of At-Large elections if groups are being disenfranchised or underrepresented. In the At-Large method, eligible candidates are pooled from across...