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The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

Although the pandemic has forced me to transition from dancing late nights at the studio to a confined space at home,  it has also led me to reevaluate and rediscover my passion for ballet.

Reclaiming my love for ballet

Emma Constable, Staffer May 26, 2021

“Stop,” my ballet teacher interjected, abruptly turning off the music. I felt my heart sink, knowing she was going to tell me off for doing something wrong.  “Emma, you can’t just stand there...

A guide to picnicking

Stella Huang, Photo Editor May 26, 2021

India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi turning his back as India struggles to combat the deadly coronavirus, endangering Indian civilians across the country.

Indian government fails to respond to India’s COVID-19 catastrophe

Priyanka Anand, Web Editor May 26, 2021

India is in the midst of a devastating COVID-19 crisis, and any words used to describe it fall short of the horrific reality that millions of Indians are witnessing. The uncontrollable nature of this second...

Lynbrook’s Class of 2021 will graduate in-person despite students being in remote learning for most of the year.

Class of 2021 will graduate in four separate ceremonies, in-person

Elizabeth Cheng, Editor-in-Chief May 26, 2021

From losing both junior and senior prom to missing their last year of Homecoming, the Class of 2021 has experienced a year and a half unlike any other. Now, seniors can finally celebrate finishing their...

On April 7, the Homecoming Highlights Reel was released after all Homecoming activities were canceled. (Graphic Illustration by Audrey Wong.)

Canceled but not forgotten: Homecoming in remote learning

Audrey Wong, Managing Editor May 26, 2021

After months of planning in hopes of having Homecoming for the 2020-21 school year, class officers scrapped plans for a virtual Homecoming because it could not replicate the in-person experience. Class...

Listen to learn more about these amazing teachers!

Robert Richmond and Stacey McCown: Generations of teaching

Sharlene Chen and Elliu Huang May 26, 2021

English teachers Robert Richmond and Stacey McCown have been teaching for more than 30 years. 2020-21 is their last year teaching, and we will dearly miss their presence on campus. Listen to their respective...

Rei Trujillo, second from right, poses for a photo with her family. (Photo used with permission of Jamie Chan.)

The Rei Trujillo Scholarship opens for senior athletes

Anirudh Seshadri, Managing Editor May 26, 2021

“There is a bench and rock with a plaque to honor Rei at Azule Park because the park has so much sentimental value for Rei,” junior and Rei Trujillo’s sister Tammi Trujillo said. “It was there ...

 Field hockey, rowing, sailing, fencing, squash, synchronized swimming and men’s volleyball were among the sports announced to be cut after the 2020-21 season. (Graphic Illustration by Emma Cionca.)

Saving Stanford sports: A lesson in perseverance

Emma Cionca, Sports Editor May 26, 2021

When I was 9, I attended my first Stanford sports game, a women’s basketball tournament. Since I wasn’t the most interested in athletics growing up, I didn’t completely understand what was going...

 LHS AISA hosted its annual Silsilay festival via livestream this year on April 23.

LHS AISA hosts virtual Silsilay

Mei Corricello, Editor-in-Chief May 26, 2021

On April 23, Lynbrook’s American-Indo Student Association (AISA) hosted its annual South Asian cultural show, Silsilay, as a live stream on YouTube. COVID guidelines forced the usually crowded community...

From legislation to dating preferences and media portrayals, Asian women have been stereotyped and objectified in what is known as the Asian Fetish. (Graphic Illustration by Christy Yu.)

Stop fetishizing Asian women

Rachel Wu and Renee Ge May 23, 2021

Asian women are often forced into a caricature as either docile or sexually alluring, dutiful or domineering, the “wilting flower” or the “dragon lady,” caught between two contradictory labels...

After a grueling four years of balancing her musical and educational pursuits, Grace Huh commits to Columbia-Juilliard program. (Photo by Carlin Ma. 
Graphic Illustration by Kavya Iyer.)

A note-worthy accomplishment: Senior Grace Huh commits to Columbia-Juilliard program

Kavya Iyer, Content Editor May 22, 2021

As the orchestra’s tuning winds down, senior Grace Huh makes her entrance onto the stage to the accompaniment of applause and takes a bow — marking the beginning of her solo performance. She then gracefully...

Mr. Pakaluk’s band class practices in the cabana. (Photo used with permission of Richard Chiu.  Graphic illustration by Anwen Huang.)

String lights, fake grass and a cabana: Lynbrook band’s new home

Anwen Huang, In-Depth Editor May 18, 2021

Walking across campus, Lynbrook students attending school in person may come across a peculiar sight: palm trees, grass streamers and tents lining a side of the quad. Known to band students as the “band...