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The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

Bike-riding and bike repairs is a large focus of Signore's channel. Used with permission from Luca Signore.

Speedy Garage: Signore’s journey from History to Biking

Claire Guo, Features Editor October 10, 2023

One sunny afternoon in September 2021, history teacher Luca Signore stumbled upon an interesting bike. Little did he know, this bike would later become the very object that would make his youtube channel,...

Sophomore Colin Chow and juniors Haley Tamtoro and Adithri Sharmi create content for their YouTube channels.

Lynbrook Youtubers you should subscribe to

Sarah Zhang, Staffer May 8, 2023

The camera is set up. The lighting is perfect. And… action! While watching Youtube videos is an entertaining pastime, for sophomore Colin Chow and juniors Haley Tamtoro and Adithri Sharmi, creating...