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The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

Nestled in the heart of West San José, Orchard Farms Shopping Center has evolved from a fruit orchard into a bustling plaza after decades of change and development. Featuring a Safeway, boutique shops, multiple restaurants and cafes, the shopping center now serves as a retail hub for its community, especially for Lynbrook and Miller Middle School students who flock there after school to hangout, shop or dine.

Decades of memories at local Orchard Farms Shopping Center

Taek Kim and Meadow Shen March 24, 2025

Nestled in the heart of West San José, Orchard Farms Shopping Center has evolved from a fruit orchard into a bustling plaza after decades of change and development. Featuring a Safeway, boutique shops,...

Lockdown nostalgia consists of a longing for memories, habits and emotions experienced during the pandemic, usually in its early stages.

A walk down lockdown lane: quarantine memories

Crystal Zhu and Eileen Zhu April 29, 2024

When pajamas, a bag of chips and a blanket were school-day staples, Zoom screens were dominated by various angles of student faces and ceilings and laggy voices emerging from computer speakers. These were...

Many of the stories told to young children are often simplified explanations of important life lessons intertwined with fun aspects to keep them engaged.

Sharing childhood stories to look back upon

Amanda Jin, Sports Editor April 29, 2024

Tucked in and curled up beneath the covers, a child eagerly awaits for their parent to sit down and begin telling a story. As time passes, these once cherished stories become less prominent, fading with...

Nostalgia offers the opportunity to relive the past, yet the concept and acceptance of nostalgia has shiften throughout the years.

Nostalgia’s journey from disorder to emotion

Anushka Anand and Apurva Krishnamurthy April 29, 2024

Hailing from the Greek words nostos, or homecoming, and algos, meaning longing, nostalgia offers us an opportunity to relive the past. Although it is generally accepted as an emotional phenomenon that...



Valerie Shu, Staffer April 29, 2024

Approaching 60 years of history: Lynbrook back in the day

Approaching 60 years of history: Lynbrook back in the day

Chelsea Lee and Riki Murase April 29, 2024

For the full photo gallery, visit  Technology The use of computers in the home was just beginning in the early 90s. Each family might have had just one home...

From "Barbie" to "Mulan," nostalgia has been a marketing strategy to remodel remniscent shows, yet some approaches have entered gray regions between offering fresh perspectives and exploiting the audiences' pre-existing connections.

Nostalgia in media: Toeing the line between modernized and contrived

Valerie Shu and Alyssa Wang April 29, 2024

A bright-orange jukebox, references to popular childhood arcade games like PacMan and Wreck-it-Ralph and YMCA by the Village People — all of these are popular images of the past, which many film companies...

As much as nostalgia is a psychological feeling, its triggers can be traced back to neuroscientific explanations and can serve additional benefits beyond momentary happiness.

Explaining the scientific phenomenon of nostalgia

Daeun Chung and Qianzi Loo April 29, 2024

The smell of freshly baked cookies that filled Grandma’s kitchen on Thanksgiving, reminding us of the old fairy tale stories she told us at night. The taste of homemade lemonade on a hot summer day,...