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  • March 3Last day for AP exam refunds
  • March 6“Meet Your Adolescent’s Brain” webinar
  • March 10“Safer Choices” parent presentation
  • March 11-13CAASPP Testing
  • March 17Teacher Non-Duty Day
The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

While student teachers’ roles usually evolve through the year as they gradually take on more responsibilities, Lim has been engaged since his start with classroom activities ranging from leading warm-ups to rehearsing songs.

Teaching to learn: exploring the journey of a student teacher

Valerie Shu, Staffer December 11, 2023

Each year, new student teachers step into classrooms across campus to gain hands-on experience with students and learn valuable skills — a critical step in their journey to becoming fully-fledged educators.  Aside...

ELD program spells success for its students

ELD program spells success for its students

Sam Sarma and Inaaya Yousuf October 10, 2022

With sentence stems on the whiteboard, a list of vocabulary definitions on their desks and a complex historical document before their eyes, English Learner students enrolled in Lynbrook’s EL program...

With the guidance of Maker Nexus instructors, Lynbrook student volunteers created switch-adapted toys by soldering and connecting wires to larger external buttons.

Learning is limitless with switch-adapted toys

Sam Sarma, News Editor May 3, 2022

Children begin their education with toys: learning the different senses, the alphabet, colors and more. For children and adults with motor disabilities, small switches on electronic toys limit their access...