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The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

Beyond the proud Western sentiment, feminism can be recognized with a deeper complexity when viewed through different cultures and religions, adding nuance to the idea of female liberation.

Perceptions of feminism across the board

Qianzi Loo and Meadow Shen November 6, 2023

Western ideals of feminism emphasize independent women who reject patriarchy and advocate for educational and occupational equality. Beyond the proud Western sentiment, feminism can be recognized with...

Under the girl boss trope, the rise of some women comes at the expense of others and leaves many separated and behind.

Girl boss stereotype: Empowering or detrimental to gender equality?

Kavya Iyer and Anwen Huang March 17, 2021

One search for the term “girl boss” online yields a plethora of cheesy quotes, decked out in cursive and bright pink, encouraging women to work hard and achieve their goals. While at first glance this...