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The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

When juveniles commit severe crimes, such as premeditated murder, they are often unable to be tried proportionally, leading to decreased public safety.

The Santana Row stabbing reveals shortcomings in juvenile justice

Ashley Huang, Editor in Chief March 24, 2025

A 13-year-old boy fatally stabbed a 15-year-old boy at Santana Row in San José, Calif. on Feb. 14. Although places like Santana Row are typically thought to provide a safe space for teenagers to hang...

California's general election ballot this year included propositions that targeted a wide range of hot-button issues, from climate change to crime.

The impact of California’s passed and failed propositions

Stuti Jain, Staffer December 9, 2024

What you need to know: On November 5, California residents voted on a series of 10 propositions that will soon bring significant changes to the state's legislature. These new measures, once...

Juniors Aishani Chikkareddy and Kyrsten Su are avid participants in Peer Court and work to help students receive second chances.

Peer Court: for students, by students

Tanika Anbu, Staffer May 8, 2023

Rather than sentencing a student to juvenile court in the case of misdemeanors, the Santa Clara County Peer Court program helps to break the school-to-prison pipeline by allowing students to share their...

Miller Middle’s science wing was severely vandalized, causing alarming damage to school property.

Vandalism strikes Miller Middle School

Susanna Tang, Editor-in-Chief April 5, 2022

Joaquin Miller Middle School was severely vandalized on the weekend of March 5. Targeting the science wing, the vandals caused alarming damage and theft to the school’s property and classrooms.  “We...