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The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

While many have been focused on the reckless behavior of celebrities, those around us have also been engaging in similar activities.

COVID-19: It’s time to be a shut-in

Anwen Huang, In-Depth Editor December 9, 2020

Partying is an essential part of the influencer lifestyle. For some, a global pandemic is not a reason to stop. Celebrities like the Kardashians, D'Amelios, Bryce Hall and James Charles are just a few...

In the Red Tier, gyms and salons can resume indoors, while other operations, such as movie theaters and indoor dining, remain paused.

COVID-19 updates: Unmasked

Mei Corricello and Crystal Qian October 7, 2020

On Sept. 8, Santa Clara County moved from the Purple Tier to the Red Tier on California’s four-tier COVID-19 ranking system. Although counties in the Red Tier are still deemed areas with substantial...

Workers bag meals at the Cupertino High School cafeteria.

FUHSD extends free meal service to anyone under age 18, no questions asked

Elizabeth Cheng, Editor-in-Chief October 7, 2020

Through remote learning, FUHSD has been offering free meal pick ups every Wednesday for any individuals under 18 at Cupertino, Homestead and Fremont High School since Sept. 2. Six days of meals are given...

The pandemic has brought changes to the work life of Lynbrook students.  Some have returned to work while others have been left in uncertainty or found new opportunities.

Lynbrook student jobs — pandemic edition

Anwen Huang, In-Depth Editor October 7, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has created hurdles for people all across the world. In particular, the work force has been hit hard, with many people losing jobs or facing the difficult transition to a virtual...

Making the difficult transition into high school through a virtual learning environment is an unprecedented challenge for the class of 2024.

The class of 2024 logs in to Lynbrook

Emma Constable and Anwen Huang August 17, 2020

For the class of 2024, their entrance into high school will be like never before. Without traditional events that foster widespread school spirit and connections among classes, Lynbrook administrators,...

COVID-19 podcast: Valhalla Yearbook

COVID-19 podcast: Valhalla Yearbook

Kaylin Li, Web Editor June 5, 2020

In this episode, we interview an editor-in-chief of Valhalla Yearbook, Faizah Asif. She shares what it's like to work on the Yearbook in a typical year and what it's like now after school shut...

COVID-19 podcast: Indesign final episode

COVID-19 podcast: Indesign final episode

Audrey Wong, Managing Editor May 30, 2020

In the final episode of the Indesign series, we interviewed designer Catherine Li, who shares her experience with designing for the models and being backstage. Check out the other...

COVID-19 podcast: Indesign episode 2

COVID-19 podcast: Indesign episode 2

Kaylin Li, Web Editor May 30, 2020

In this episode, we interview Indesign model Rishima Tewari. She describes what it's like being a model and what it's like now that the Indesign fashion show has been canceled. Check...

COVID-19 podcast: Indesign episode 1

COVID-19 podcast: Indesign episode 1

Audrey Wong, Managing Editor May 30, 2020

In this episode, we interviewed the president of Indesign club, Elise Jang. She shares what it's like to plan the show and what Indesign's current plans are. Check out the other...


Jasmine Hou and Melissa Chen May 29, 2020

Energetic dance and singing performances. Upbeat Bollywood music. Delicious food. Performers from all over the Bay Area. These are some of the highlights of the annual cultural showcase Silsilay, which...

Shelter-in-place leads to rise in domestic abuse cases

Shelter-in-place leads to rise in domestic abuse cases

Sloka Suresh and Lillian Fu May 29, 2020

As countless Americans continue to shelter in place for extended periods of time amid the coronavirus pandemic, the restrictions aimed at keeping them safe have enabled more households to become grounds...

Online tools: which is the best fix?

Online tools: which is the best fix?

Kavya Iyer and Renee Ge May 29, 2020

It is safe to say that COVID-19 has transformed everyone’s lives; from daily news conferences to strict social distancing protocols, it is hard to think of anything else. In addition to attending classes,...