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The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

Brian Xue places third in International Olympiad in Informatics

Brian Xue places third in International Olympiad in Informatics

Lilly Wu, Managing Editor October 7, 2024

At a venue in front of the Great Sphinx of Giza, senior Brian Xue received the title of third-place winner at the International Olympiad in Informatics. Despite the intense competition, his face, illuminated...

Sophomores Eric Hsu, Jiahe Lu and Brian Xue take the first-place blue tooth speakers prize home at the first Lynbrook ProCo.

Students compete in Lynbrook’s first-ever programming competition

Larry Wang, Staffer November 7, 2022

Students frantically typed up code and prepared submissions in the waning minutes of Lynbrook’s first-ever programming competition. Lynbrook ProCo, hosted in collaboration between the Computer Science...

The game allows you to pick words of different sizes, but the actual answer is always 5 letters long.

Intro to Java classes create their own Wordle

Nicole Ge, Staffer April 5, 2022

The Introduction to Java class completed a month-long project on March 4 to code their own Wordle, a word-guessing game that has gone viral with millions of players daily. The goal of the project was for...