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The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

Senior Adithya Venkataraghavan swings his golf club, hitting the ball up the green hill. Photo used with permission by Adithya Venkataraghavan.

Adithya Venkataraghavan scores an ace to Cornell University

Gary Pan, Staffer October 7, 2024

In July 2024, senior Adithya Venkataraghavan announced his verbal commitment to Cornell University, where he hopes to major in financial economics and minor in data science. He will be joining the Cornell...

Senior Grace Ker jumps up to strike her opponent during practice. Photo by Gary Pan.

Grace Ker parries her way to Stanford University for Fencing

Gary Pan, Staffer October 7, 2024

As an energetic child, senior Grace Ker picked up fencing in fourth grade alongside dancing. However, after six months of handling both sports, Ker decided to only continue with fencing. Since then, Ker...

Dylan White sprints across the field with the football while playing against the Saratoga Falcons.

Dylan White touches down at Puget Sound

Daeun Chung and Robert Yu May 20, 2024

Stepping into his fifth-grade classroom for the first time, senior Dylan White felt that his life was going to change forever. Several months into the year, his fifth-grade teacher Andrew Ryan, who witnessed...

With hopes of continuing field hockey beyond her high school career, senior Halie Yung has committed to Smith College. Used with permission from Halie Yung.

Halie Yung strikes her line into Smith College

Irene Hwang, Staffer April 29, 2024

With hopes of continuing field hockey beyond her high school career, senior Halie Yung has committed to Smith College.  Field hockey has been an integral part of Yung’s life since she was introduced...

Senior Adarsh Iyer has committed to Massachusetts Institute of Technology for cross country and track and field, continuing his running journey at their top-ranked Division III program.

Adarsh Iyer runs the distance to MIT

Vihaan Patel, Staffer April 1, 2024

Senior Adarsh Iyer has committed to Massachusetts Institute of Technology for cross country and track and field, continuing his running journey at their top-ranked Division III program. Whether he is running...

Going into the next school year, Pathak will compete against other athletes at the collegiate level, hoping to secure many wins for NYU.

Neale Pathak’s journey to the New York University mat

David Zhu, Opinion Editor February 12, 2024

With ten seconds left in the third period, senior Neale Pathak pins his opponent to the ground, forcing their shoulder blades to the wrestling mat. After two seconds, the referee’s shrill whistle ends...

Typically, Badger’s week consists of three two-hour practices and two one-hour training sessions. Tournaments occur one to three times a month, in which they take up whole weekends at a time.

Madison Badger commits to University of Puget Sound for volleyball

Maple Leung, Staffer June 2, 2023

Junior Madison Badger began playing volleyball in the sixth grade. Badger recently committed to the University of Puget Sound to continue her volleyball career. Although still only a junior, Badger is...

When Liou began her freshman year, a friend of hers convinced her to begin. She had already been a swimmer during middle school, and learned that swimming helps with water polo.

Annika Liou commits to Chapman University for water polo

Maple Leung, Staffer June 2, 2023

As a child, senior Annika Liou was surrounded by water. After dedicating over four years to water polo, Liou committed to Chapman University to continue her water polo career. Since beginning the sport...

Training with numerous coaches throughout the years, Zhang has come to appreciate how each coach provides a new perspective on how to approach swimming, and all similarly push him to try his best.

Tianyou Zhang commits to Carnegie Mellon University for swim

Chelsea Lee, Design Editor June 2, 2023

Senior Tianyou Zhang will be swimming off to Carnegie Mellon University in the fall as a recruited breaststroker and pursue Electrical and Computer Engineering. In the 100-yard breaststroke, one of his...

Taylor sees track as both a team sport and individual sport, with a blend between attributes including self-control and being at his best for both him and his teammates.

Evan Taylor commits to Virginia Tech for track and field

Eileen Zhu, Design Editor June 2, 2023

Senior Evan Taylor committed to Virginia Tech to continue his track and field career. He initially joined track and field in sixth grade at Miller Middle School without any prior experience. Although he...

As Feng grew up, he continued to play the sport not only because it was a fun hobby, but also because he knows soccer to be a lot more than just a physical sport.

Ethan Feng commits to California Institute of Technology for soccer

Eileen Zhu, Design Editor June 2, 2023

Senior Ethan Feng  committed to California Institute of Technology to continue his soccer and academic careers. When Feng was four years old, his dad took him to try out for a soccer club in Oregon because...

Leaving a legacy at Lynbrook, Chu broke the school’s 100-yard breaststroke record two years in a row, with the most recent time being 55.94 seconds.

Jerry Chu commits to Carnegie Mellon University for swimming

Chelsea Lee, Design Editor June 2, 2023

Ready to test the waters of collegiate swimming, senior Jerry Chu was recruited by Carnegie Mellon University as a breaststroke swimmer and Computer Science major. Leaving a legacy at Lynbrook, Chu broke...