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  • March 3Last day for AP exam refunds
  • March 6“Meet Your Adolescent’s Brain” webinar
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The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

Every sport has different criteria for what constitutes the ideal body image — each shaped by the unique demands of the particular sport. However, the constant pursuit by athletes to achieve the ideal body image may lead to more challenges than advantages.

The mental and physical toll of body idealization on athletes

Ashley Huang and Crystal Zhu November 6, 2023

This story contains references to content that may be difficult for those who have experienced body dysmorphia or are sensitive to topics concerning body image or eating disorders. In the dim lights...

The stringent body culture can promote harmful bulking and dieting and exercise practices to impressionable teenage boys. 

Flexing the issue: Male body image

Jason Shan and Samiya Anwar November 7, 2022

“When he’s skinny, scrawny and looks like he hasn’t eaten in days.” “When he looks like a Greek God statue.” Similar detrimental statements fill social media feeds, perpetuating an unhealthy...

My love for volleyball helped me look past the numbers and the scale, so I could focus on what matters: my performance.

From an athlete: Smaller isn’t better

Mei Corricello, Editor-in-Chief January 25, 2021

Trigger warning: eating disorder thoughts and behaviors A note from the writer “Tone up!”  “Caloric deficit...” “Try apple cider vinegar, it works like magic.”  Each video...