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The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

The Student News Site of Lynbrook High School

the Epic

Lynbrook’s ACT program is returning to school on the week of April 19.

ACT program prepares for return to campus

Ethan Lee, Writer March 17, 2021

Lynbrook’s Academic Community Transition (ACT) program is returning to school after a challenging transition to online learning. The students who choose to return to campus in the week of April 19 can...

The test-blind policy makes admission officers’ jobs that much harder.

Who’s really blinded by the new UC test-blind policy?

Ron Aich, Opinion Editor October 7, 2020

Standardized testing has long been a hallmark of the college admissions process. Regardless of gender, race or ability, most high school students share the experience of preparing for these grueling exams.  However,...

Lynbrook ACT program adapts to remote learning

Anusha Kothari, Editor-in-Chief June 1, 2020

Baking dog biscuits at the district office, emptying recycling bins on campus and counting money for practice are just a few of the activities that Lynbrook Academic Community Transition (ACT) students...

Coronavirus impacts standardized testing

Coronavirus impacts standardized testing

Priyanka Anand and Sunny Li May 29, 2020

With the cancellation of standardized testing in spring 2020 because of COVID-19, the College Board and ACT rescheduled their standardized tests for later dates in the summer and fall with plans for administering...

TFT students meet their first customer during the Viking Vault’s soft opening for staff members

Viking Vault unlocks student job opportunities

Bennie Chang, Editor-in-Chief November 6, 2019

Lynbrook’s student store, the Viking Vault, has found a home inside the newly constructed cafeteria. The store will continue to sell school supplies and snacks, but the format has undergone some changes...

SELPA Fall Festival brings joy to ACT students

SELPA Fall Festival brings joy to ACT students

Justine Chen, Editor-in-Chief December 7, 2017

A large crowd of 200 people cheering and dancing fills the fieldhouse. Loud, fast music pumps throughout the room and the energy is high. Others sit in the corners of the room, chatting with each other,...